Political Discussion

Investors take on this is a company the size of Volkswagen should not be partaking in April Fools' Day pranks. They have a responsibility to investors.

Fucking idiots. I hope they’re laughed out court and have costs award against them too. Jesus Christ, the world is in danger of becoming a depressingly humourless place.
Fucking idiots. I hope they’re laughed out court and have costs award against them too. Jesus Christ, the world is in danger of becoming a depressingly humourless place.
Yes & no. I agree that it's dumb to believe that Volkswagen is renaming itself to Voltswagen. But that argument is also what provides Elon Musk cover to say things like "Gee, I was just joking, I wasn't manipulating the market with my tweets."

Coming up with a coherent, consistent approach to how corporations (or their figureheads) behave online is something we should be thinking about -- even if it's a stupid example that puts it in the spotlight.
Yes & no. I agree that it's dumb to believe that Volkswagen is renaming itself to Voltswagen. But that argument is also what provides Elon Musk cover to say things like "Gee, I was just joking, I wasn't manipulating the market with my tweets."

Coming up with a coherent, consistent approach to how corporations (or their figureheads) behave online is something we should be thinking about -- even if it's a stupid example that puts it in the spotlight.

I get where you’re coming from but nuance has to come into everything. This is really dumb and those investors are a joke. If we can’t both condemn. and if necessary prosecute, the behaviour of rogue CEOs and corporations whilst equally treating something like this as the nonsense that it is then we are even more lost than I thought when I made the post that you replied to.
I get where you’re coming from but nuance has to come into everything. This is really dumb and those investors are a joke. If we can’t both condemn. and if necessary prosecute, the behaviour of rogue CEOs and corporations whilst equally treating something like this as the nonsense that it is then we are even more lost than I thought when I made the post that you replied to.
I don’t disagree with any of that at all.
Yes & no. I agree that it's dumb to believe that Volkswagen is renaming itself to Voltswagen. But that argument is also what provides Elon Musk cover to say things like "Gee, I was just joking, I wasn't manipulating the market with my tweets."

Coming up with a coherent, consistent approach to how corporations (or their figureheads) behave online is something we should be thinking about -- even if it's a stupid example that puts it in the spotlight.
My deepest hope is Elon launched himself into space on a Tesla and never comes back.

Why are these laws that are a step backwards always named like they are making progress and we are moving forward.

This law was called "Medical Ethics & Diversity". Yet it is anything but that. It contains many unethical things as well as a step backwards in diversity.

The law allows a wide range of health care workers -- doctors, pharmacists and even insurance companies -- to refuse to provide non-emergency healthcare based on personal "moral" objections.

The most obvious damage this law will cause for the people of Arkansas will be to limit access to certain treatments that have become politicized. This will likely include things like gender-affirming surgeries or medications for transgender people and abortion care. Of note, the state legislature also just passed a law that would explicitly outlaw gender-affirming medical care for transgender youth, despite opposition from major medical organizations and data linking gender-affirming care to lower odds of transgender people considering suicide. That bill is awaiting the governor's signature.
MLB pulled the All-Star Game out of Atlanta because of the Georgia voting restrictions just put in place. The SEC Conference Championship game might be the next big event targeted as it could easily move to New Orleans.
Hoping this is the first domino that forces PGA's hand to move the Masters.
I think it's too late for this year's Masters. It starts next Thursday. I'd think the Venn diagram of MAGA and PGA supporters would have a lot of overlap so I'd imagine they'll put the decision off till next year.
Hoping this is the first domino that forces PGA's hand to move the Masters.
Can they move “The Masters” though? Isn’t it a tournament put on the Augusta National Golf Club? I could imagine even if the PGA pulled out, Augusta could still hold the tournament that weekend and invite the golfers they want to invite. It would then be up to each golfer on whether they would play the tournament.
Can they move “The Masters” though? Isn’t it a tournament put on the Augusta National Golf Club? I could imagine even if the PGA pulled out, Augusta could still hold the tournament that weekend and invite the golfers they want to invite. It would then be up to each golfer on whether they would play the tournament.
The Masters tournament trademark is wholly owned and put on by the Augusta National Golf Club. The PGA isn’t even the only golf organization that takes part in The Masters.
IDK where to put this, so I'm putting it here.

Not sure how many of you know what I do, but I'm a clinical pharmacist. In addition to our typical duties, we precept pharmacy students, including those in their 4th year on rotations. We have pediatrics, critical care, cardiology, and oncology rotations, in addition to the more general "hospital pharmacy" rotations. Each rotation is about 6 weeks.

One of my coworkers is a QAnon believing evangelical Christian. She is in charge of the affiliated outpatient oncology infusion center, and she has become more radical and expressive in her beliefs, even to the point of being kicked off Twitter (and wearing it as a badge of honor). I'll call her Karen for convenience.

Enter pharmacy student on an oncology rotation. He is originally from Pakistan, former pharmacist in a different country, and brought his family with him to go to school to be an oncology pharmacist here in the states. His oncology rotation is with Karen. He started his rotation either one or two weeks ago. Of note, he is a practicing Muslim.

I have not seen any interactions between the student and Karen, but I know someone who has (Julie), and Karen has not been kind to the student. She's been belittling, rude, and even left him out of a work celebration intentionally. He has asked my friend Julie what a student should do if a pharmacist makes them feel uncomfortable, and had these conversations with her on an almost daily basis. He has even left the pharmacy in tears a few days.

Yesterday, Karen kicked the student off rotation for what I've been told is "poor writing skills". Mind you, I've had very difficult students and have never kicked a student off rotation. (We have excused a resident, but that was after a shit ton on documentation and effort). Now he's afraid his entire potential career has been ruined because of Karen. The student has now been reassigned to me.

I am super pissed. Management is aware of the situation (our clinical coordinator is the one who asked me if I could precept the student), and honestly, I hope they fire Karen. I don't know if she has any evidence that would give her a legit reason for getting rid of the student, but I *highly* doubt whatever he did would warrant such an extreme response, especially without consulting management first.

I've been with this hospital for going on 14 years. They've been good to me, and I"m proud to say I work there. However, if nothing is done to rectify this situation, I'm going to have to think long and hard about working for a company that would tolerate such behavior. It's all fresh, so I know I need to give it time for wheels to be put into motion. But now I'm just angry.
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IDK where to put this, so I'm putting it here.

Not sure how many of you know what I do, but I'm a clinical pharmacist. In addition to our typical duties, we precept pharmacy students, including those in their 4th year on rotations. We have pediatrics, critical care, cardiology, and oncology rotations, in addition to the more general "hospital pharmacy" rotations. Each rotation is about 6 weeks.

One of my coworkers is a QAnon believing evangelical Christian. She is in charge of the affiliated outpatient oncology infusion center, and she has become more radical and expressive in her beliefs, even to the point of being kicked off Twitter (and wearing it as a badge of honor). I'll call her Karen for convenience.

Enter pharmacy student on an oncology rotation. He is originally from Pakistan, former pharmacist in a different country, and brought his family with him to go to school to be an oncology pharmacist here in the states. His oncology rotation is with Karen. He started his rotation either one or two weeks ago.

I have not seen any interactions between the student and Karen, but I know someone who has (Julie), and Karen has not been kind to the student. She's been belittling, rude, and even left him out of a work celebration intentionally. He has asked my friend Julie what a student should do if a pharmacist makes them feel uncomfortable, and had these conversations with her on an almost daily basis. He has even left the pharmacy in tears a few days.

Yesterday, Karen kicked the student off rotation for what I've been told is "poor writing skills". Mind you, I've had very difficult students and have never kicked a student off rotation. (We have excused a resident, but that was after a shit ton on documentation and effort). Now he's afraid his entire potential career has been ruined because of Karen. The student has now been reassigned to me.

I am super pissed. Management is aware of the situation (our clinical coordinator is the one who asked me if I could precept the student), and honestly, I hope they fire Karen. I don't know if she has any evidence that would give her a legit reason for getting rid of the student, but I *highly* doubt whatever he did would warrant such an extreme response, especially without consulting management first.

I've been with this hospital for going on 14 years. They've been good to me, and I"m proud to say I work there. However, if nothing is done to rectify this situation, I'm going to have to think long and hard about working for a company that would tolerate such behavior. It's all fresh, so I know I need to give it time for wheels to be put into motion. But now I'm just angry.
I would have to take a long walk and a few days before approaching HR or whoever............but I would be approaching HR or whoever. Things like this, even when I'm not directly effected, irritate me to no end.
I would have to take a long walk and a few days before approaching HR or whoever............but I would be approaching HR or whoever. Things like this, even when I'm not directly effected, irritate me to no end.
Yeah me too. I updated my post to include something I forgot to mention: the student is a practicing Muslim.
Idk, possibly. I need to give it time, wait to see how management responds, before I decide anything,
Also probably Good to Make your own assesmentvof the student afterv1 or 2 weeks with you, especially the things she criticised and write it down. because if that is clearly different from her opinion it is a distinct point that her beliefs are hindering her professional behaviour and and ultimately hurting the company . so that is something they tend to sanction