Political Discussion

Guy who told crowd to look at ivanka's breasts, and has made weird sexual innuendoes about f*cking his daughter = not pedophile,
guy who creepily gives woman unwanted massages = definite pedo

Like I just want it to be consistent they can both be pedo's if they both exhibit the same behavior, but really one is (without evidence) and the other with evidence is not??, at times I would've loved to have lived in a trumper's mind for a day just to see the logical gymnastics they have to go through

It’s all about protecting your identity. They have sunk so much of who they are into being a Trump supporter that all they listen to is information that confirms that identity is the right choice.
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Guy who told crowd to look at ivanka's breasts, and has made weird sexual innuendoes about f*cking his daughter = not pedophile,
guy who creepily gives woman unwanted massages = definite pedo

Like I just want it to be consistent they can both be pedo's if they both exhibit the same behavior, but really one is (without evidence) and the other with evidence is not??, at times I would've loved to have lived in a trumper's mind for a day just to see the logical gymnastics they have to go through
Um, guy prominently photographed with Epstein et al.

Wow, FOX News is even worse than I thought. No wonder republicans are a lost cause.

I have not watched FOX News myself since High School. And not because I wanted too, but because that's what my father watched and would have on.

They seem to have to be worse than ever attacking the other media outlets and playing right into the radical right.
LOL, Trump wants Biden to be tested before the debate tonight................OMFG, that's just too funny 😂
So who is gonna watch the debate tonight? The only debate I’ve ever watched was Clinton v Trump last year. I usually don’t watch because we already know what they are gonna say and that makes it boring. I think this year I’ll forego it because, I’ll be so nervous Biden will fuck it up, while also angry at how Tump is so ridiculously arrogant yet so wrong at the same time.

Has anyone watched the Oliver Stone narrated documentary on Netflix? I’ve gotten to the end of the Nixon years, but so much is happening politically I kind of took a break.

November is going to be a nerve racking month for me, between the president as well as some local electoral things that have more to do with my profession.
He's been floating / promoting the conspiracy that Biden has been getting injected with PEDs prior to being in public/going on camera. The Q people / cult are all in on the theory
I must have missed that one, I'm loosing track of all the conspiracies........I think I'm gonna come up with a set of Trading Cards for everyone to keep track, collect and trade, lol
Those white collar criminals may get the idea he’s not on their side.
What we do know is that Trump is definitely on the side of white collar criminals.

The average annual number of white collar defendants was down 26% to 30% for Trump’s first three years in office from the average under President Barack Obama, according to data from the Justice Department and Syracuse University, respectively. The trend also shows up in fines on corporations, which fell 76% from Obama’s last 20 months to Trump’s first 20 months, according to Duke University law professor Brandon Garrett.

What we do know is that Trump is definitely on the side of white collar criminals.

The average annual number of white collar defendants was down 26% to 30% for Trump’s first three years in office from the average under President Barack Obama, according to data from the Justice Department and Syracuse University, respectively. The trend also shows up in fines on corporations, which fell 76% from Obama’s last 20 months to Trump’s first 20 months, according to Duke University law professor Brandon Garrett.
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It's really about transparency. Trump is openly a criminal and supportive of white collar criminals. Dems prefer to be discreet about it (and many other things).