Political Discussion

As more and more people gain this understanding it sure feels like the Biden's "Back in Time" campaign is increasingly weak (maybe it's just me). Now that I think about it, if he would just play Huey Lewis & the News' greatest hits instead of speaking at any future debates he might actually have a better shot. Can you imagine it? Trump would wag his Nixon finger offbeat, Pence will sit cross-legged holding mother Pence's hand, and Kamala and Joe would do the mash-potato. The suburbs would feel so comfortable with the glow of nostalgia coming through their television sets.
Huey Lewis 2024, campaign song already written:
I mean I am absolutely 100% on board with whatever it takes to get Huey back into the national conversation, to be perfectly honest.

I just listened to a good interview with him. Maybe it was on the Broken Record pod? He talked extensively about his career and his hearing loss. I have fond memories of riding in the backseat of my step-father's 84 Mazda GL with Sports on heavy rotation
I just listened to a good interview with him. Maybe it was on the Broken Record pod? He talked extensively about his career and his hearing loss. I have fond memories of riding in the backseat of my step-fathers 84 Mazda GL with Sports on heavy rotation
The only wrong move he ever made was that weird, weird role in Duets where he has some really creepy sexual tension with his daughter while they sing Smokey Robinson karaoke together.

Yet another deadline is passing heading into September. Utility companies will once again be able to resume cutting power to customers who have fallen behind on their bills.

A massive wave of people having their power turned off is coming as power companies resume shutoffs.
Question 1, right to repair bill is getting a huge amount of money pumped in against it.

The bill seeks to prohibit auto manufacturers from locking down access to the computer / diagnostic system in the car forcing you to go to the dealership and overpay taking the choice of where you go for repair away.

Every commercial against question 1 is straight up fear mongering.

The first commercial was about how question 1 would give your most private data to anyone. You cars computer could contain your address and garage access codes brining sexual predators right to your home and giving them access.

The latest commercial is how stalkers could get your current location through the GPS, find you and even take control of your car. They show a women walking to her car in a parking garage looking over her shoulder like she is afraid of something or someone who might be following her. She unlocks her car while she is approaching it. Then the car locks it self again locker her out. She lost control of her car and can't unlock it and get in as her stalker approaches.

There is another commercial running about how a similar bill failed in California. It failed because it is too dangerous and left too many open doors and unanswered questions.

Is all the fear about bad actors in independent auto repair shops? Or are they saying criminals could get in your car, access your computer and get all this information?

Currently, most cars are open and the computers are not restricted so only the dealership can access them. Though a few manufactures are starting to do this or have plans to do this and this is what the law wants to address. This law will not change anything for most car owners today and their current car. However, most people I talk to plan to vote no on question 1. The scare tactics worked. They are concerned about their privacy and what could happen and not understanding it means they can only go to the dealership in the future for repairs and overpaying. They also do not understand the likelihood of anything happening from the scare ads are so remote that they are likely theoretical scenarios of things that have yet to ever happen.
Question 1, right to repair bill is getting a huge amount of money pumped in against it.

The bill seeks to prohibit auto manufacturers from locking down access to the computer / diagnostic system in the car forcing you to go to the dealership and overpay taking the choice of where you go for repair away.

Every commercial against question 1 is straight up fear mongering.

The first commercial was about how question 1 would give your most private data to anyone. You cars computer could contain your address and garage access codes brining sexual predators right to your home and giving them access.

The latest commercial is how stalkers could get your current location through the GPS, find you and even take control of your car. They show a women walking to her car in a parking garage looking over her shoulder like she is afraid of something or someone who might be following her. She unlocks her car while she is approaching it. Then the car locks it self again locker her out. She lost control of her car and can't unlock it and get in as her stalker approaches.

There is another commercial running about how a similar bill failed in California. It failed because it is too dangerous and left too many open doors and unanswered questions.

Is all the fear about bad actors in independent auto repair shops? Or are they saying criminals could get in your car, access your computer and get all this information?

Currently, most cars are open and the computers are not restricted so only the dealership can access them. Though a few manufactures are starting to do this or have plans to do this and this is what the law wants to address. This law will not change anything for most car owners today and their current car. However, most people I talk to plan to vote no on question 1. The scare tactics worked. They are concerned about their privacy and what could happen and not understanding it means they can only go to the dealership in the future for repairs and overpaying. They also do not understand the likelihood of anything happening from the scare ads are so remote that they are likely theoretical scenarios of things that have yet to ever happen.
Do people not realize how easy it is for anyone to find your address? Have people forgotten that phone books existed? Ridiculous.
Do people not realize how easy it is for anyone to find your address? Have people forgotten that phone books existed? Ridiculous.
Even the most prudent person leaves crumbs of information here and there, it's unavoidable. I was watching a program about protecting your information a while back, can't remember who, what and where it's been so long, but a comment made in the program has always kind of stuck with me. We can do the things necessary to protect our information and we should, but someone who is hell bent on getting it will find a way, but the reality of these "hackers" is never to waste too much time getting one persons info, the long and short of it is that there are so many people who do nothing to protect themselves there are way easier targets to go after and not waste the extra time.

So if you're doing even the bare minimum, your probably not at risk, or at least the "fear" level risk most of these companies would have you believe. Common sense goes a long way, but a lot of Americans have seemed to have lost what little common sense they ever had and are now easily swayed by every conspiracy, rumor or half truth.
Even the most prudent person leaves crumbs of information here and there, it's unavoidable. I was watching a program about protecting your information a while back, can't remember who, what and where it's been so long, but a comment made in the program has always kind of stuck with me. We can do the things necessary to protect our information and we should, but someone who is hell bent on getting it will find a way, but the reality of these "hackers" is never to waste too much time getting one persons info, the long and short of it is that there are so many people who do nothing to protect themselves there are way easier targets to go after and not waste the extra time.

So if you're doing even the bare minimum, your probably not at risk, or at least the "fear" level risk most of these companies would have you believe. Common sense goes a long way, but a lot of Americans have seemed to have lost what little common sense they ever had and are now easily swayed by every conspiracy, rumor or half truth.

That is true about hackers. They are going after the easy targets. They are not spending any extra time on those who protect themselves with the exception of celebrities and trying to find pictures of interest on their devices or very wealthy people. If you are not in either one of those groups, they are not targeting you. You are only likely to be caught up in an autonomous sweep they set up to collect data.

I feel though that the attack ads aren't painting a picture of hackers. But rather of sexual predators and stalkers. They also make it sound like it would be incredibly easy for them to access your car's computer and use it against you. Which is not true. They would need to be inside your car, have a device to connect to the car's computer, and I'm pretty sure the car would need to be powered on. Also, unless you car has a service line OnStar they can't take control of it. It would take hacking to take control of it, and that all can be done without access to the cars computer. So yeah.

But you tell a person their info is ask risk and their afraid and want to protect their info.

Speaking of info. You address is a matter of public record. Your phone number as well if it's not unlisted.

There are websites out there that gives you all public records on people you search. Usually you can get address and phone number free or with a trial. But for $5 a month you can get criminal records, tickets, employment history, credit report, hell a full background check on a person.

If someone wants your information, they can get it. And there are far far easier ways then trying to get it through a car's computer.

TUCSON, AZ — A Tucson landmark won't be going extinct anytime soon. Attempts to remove a fiberglass dinosaur statue outside of a McDonald's have been thwarted.

A group called Christians Against Dinosaurs denounced the T. rex statue on its Facebook page and called for its followers to rally in an effort to remove the statue.

"Please help! This McDonald's has this dinosaur and refuse to remove it!" according to the Arizona Daily Star. "This is in Tucson, Arizona. Call the manager and demand the removal of this blasphemy!"

hes making the same mistake as hillary did by trying to be cool

we are fucked
Nah I'm mostly okay with Biden being playful. We were all fed decades of trash that made it feel like Hillary wasn't being genuine or was trying too hard or was pandering when she did this kind of stuff. Biden is doing all of those things, but he's a) more of a natural at it, and b) doesn't have years of misogyny stacked against him, and c) maybe b) is why I believe a).

Never forget that Obama agreed to be interviewed by the cereal bath girl and slow jammed the news on Fallon. It's okay for candidates to indulge in a little bit of silliness. It's only a problem when the silliness becomes the focus and/or when it normalizes some heinous shit (again, looking at Fallon).
Did Trump really say to his supports should try to vote twice to test the system.

Vote by absentee / mail in ballot. Then go to the polls and if they haven't counted your absentee ballot you should be able to cast your vote.

This issue with this is the system really has no good way to follow up on this in most states or voting districts. And voting twice is illegal.