Podcast Thread: recommendations, discussion, all the things

The 33 1/3 Podcast Series was great - Prince Paul with a rotating cast of co-hosts digging into portions of the respective 33 1/3 books. Hopefully it'll get another season.

Otherwise I find myself listening to Smartless and Every Little Thing, starting to listen to Pod Save America too, but its harder when they are topical and you have to keep up.
The 33 1/3 Podcast Series was great - Prince Paul with a rotating cast of co-hosts digging into portions of the respective 33 1/3 books. Hopefully it'll get another season.

Otherwise I find myself listening to Smartless and Every Little Thing, starting to listen to Pod Save America too, but its harder when they are topical and you have to keep up.

I found the 33 1/3 w/ Prince Paul podcase to be so-so. When it comes to stuff he's not overly familiar with, it really shows. It's decent when he's on something he knows well or he's enthusiastic about
I found the 33 1/3 w/ Prince Paul podcase to be so-so. When it comes to stuff he's not overly familiar with, it really shows. It's decent when he's on something he knows well or he's enthusiastic about
I think that's why I appreciated the co-hosts as they were passionate about the albums. Been awhile since I listened to them though.

Bizarre albums podcast..... this episode is about "beloved jazz bassist Ron Carter's star-wars-themed jazz album"
Are there any good vinyl related podcasts? I listen to podcasts all day at work, and will throw some vinyl YouTube channels on here and there, but prefer not to have YT on and open all the time.
Are there any good vinyl related podcasts? I listen to podcasts all day at work, and will throw some vinyl YouTube channels on here and there, but prefer not to have YT on and open all the time.

I like the vinyl guide

The episode with trey spruance where they go into the details of Mr bungle's disco Volante is a favorite but I suppose it depends on how well you like that album and sort of thing
Some friends from the LA comedy community and I started a Spotify music + talk podcast. Reduced down to a quick sentence, it’s a music discussion podcast hosted by three weirdos you might come across on an improvised character pod like CBB, Teacher’s Lounge, etc.

If that sounds interesting, you can find the music-talk version on Spotify or the talk-only versions everywhere else by searching “San Antonio Public Library Rocks” on your app of choice.
Going to shamelessly plug myself here. I just started what I call an existential radio show lol.

The format is simple

• First 10-20 minutes is essentially my public journal where I share anything from creative writing to think pieces.
• Then I share a compelling Quote to Consider from a book that I'm reading (this typically informs the first part in some way)
• Then the meat of the podcast is made up of music recommendations in the following format
• A Song to Study (a song that I think you should spend some time with)
• An Album to Live In (A favorite album from the last few months or weeks that I think cuts through the noise of new releases)
• Eventually going to start adding interviews with musicians into the mix

The cool thing about hosting this on Spotify is they allow you to imbed songs and albums right into the podcast so if you like what you hear you can immediately save it to a playlist or collection. All you got to do is hit play and you get everything, no clicking or digging required.

I basically just want to be your favorite neurotic internet music buff that gets you thinking and then hits you with great tunes. Any support would mean the world :). Enjoy!

We have a podcasts thread?? Goddamn I need to check in more often. Lol

i shall also shamelessly plug my own show (one of them anyway). It’s not about music but if you want to hear me and one of my partners talk about polyamory, kink & BDSM, relationships, and just generally be gremlins then check out Spicier Than Therapy. We’re on all streaming platforms, made the Top 5% on Spotify last year, and were paid guest speakers at this year‘s DragonCon in Atlanta. Neat!


The new show, Nothing Left Unspoken w/ Týr & Ed, drops next week 🤙🏼
Anybody listen to the Behind the Bastards podcast? I'm listening to their 6 part series on Kissinger, and it's mindblowing how this dude wasn't drawn and quartered for treason and crimes against humanity 40 years ago.

No cool press for my podcast since Vulture featured us last year BUT, nevertheless, we persist. New episode today.

Hey guys, I started a podcast called Sample Mining that highlights some of the greatest samples used in hip-hop history and I'd love if you'd check it out!

This podcast focuses on a single sample per episode. I play clips and offer the listener a chance to guess it. Then I tell a story related to it, whether that be the story behind a 90's sample that traces its roots back to the mid 1800's, or the story of how a song came to life because of a movie director's dream from his early-20's. I don't just want to say 'hey, here's a cool sample', I want to make sure I'm telling a story, as I feel that's much more interesting.

The trailer is up now and the first episode will go up next Wednesday. There will be 10 episodes in total, released weekly.

Sample Mining on Instagram
Sample Mining on Spotify
Sample Mining on Apple Podcasts
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Hey guys, I started a podcast called Sample Mining that highlights some of the greatest samples used in hip-hop history and I'd love if you'd check it out!

This podcast focuses on a single sample per episode. I play clips and offer the listener a chance to guess it. Then I tell a story related to it, whether that be the story behind a 90's sample that traces its roots back to the mid 1800's, or the story of how a song came to life because of a movie director's dream from his early-20's. I don't just want to say 'hey, here's a cool sample', I want to make sure I'm telling a story, as I feel that's much more interesting.

The trailer is up now and the first episode will go up next Wednesday. There will be 10 episodes released weekly.

Sample Mining on Instagram
Sample Mining on Spotify
Sample Mining on Apple Podcasts
10 a week? how long are the episodes?
Hey guys, I started a podcast called Sample Mining that highlights some of the greatest samples used in hip-hop history and I'd love if you'd check it out!

This podcast focuses on a single sample per episode. I play clips and offer the listener a chance to guess it. Then I tell a story related to it, whether that be the story behind a 90's sample that traces its roots back to the mid 1800's, or the story of how a song came to life because of a movie director's dream from his early-20's. I don't just want to say 'hey, here's a cool sample', I want to make sure I'm telling a story, as I feel that's much more interesting.

The trailer is up now and the first episode will go up next Wednesday. There will be 10 episodes in total, released weekly.

Sample Mining on Instagram
Sample Mining on Spotify
Sample Mining on Apple Podcasts

First episode of Sample Mining is up now! If you're interested, follow, share, rate and be sure to answer the poll after each episode!

Making my way through "Anything for Selena," and it's absolutely stunning. Highly recommend.
Making my way through "Anything for Selena," and it's absolutely stunning. Highly recommend.

