NHL Thread Because There Isn't An NHL Thread

I don't think any team that loses in the play-in round should make massive changes based on 3-5 games in bizarro world.

Jack Johnson should definitely be launched into the sun but we already knew that.

You can tell the coaches have inspired zero confidence in these players since last season.
His system is no longer effective. Whether it’s because the rest of the league has adjusted or they don’t have the right players to run it.
Plus his decision making with the lineups is very Bylsma like and we know what happened to him.
The biggest change you will see on the Pens roster next season, outside of Lafrenière if they land him, will be Jarry as the #1 net minder. Murray is all but gone.
Everyone is going to predict 4-0 for whoever plays them... will be interesting to see if they feed off that again. I don't see the Habs going further, but I guess you never know when you have Price back there.
Anything is possible in 2020 😄 🤣 😂
Recchi I could see but Sully?

Sully probably won’t get fired but he should be. Did that team look like a team who gave zero fucks? If the answer is yes, then yes, he should be fired.
And maybe GMJR should be fired for making poor decisions a la reacquiring Conor Sheary. Not to mention the JJ contract.