New Music Friday!

I almost feel like I got a different Arcade Fire stream than the rest of the board. It's not The Suburbs but I'd listen to this over anything they put out since easily (Reflektor and Everything Now...yeah not a fan). Like I don't think any band's going to live up to a Funeral->Neon Bible->The Suburbs first trio of albums but this feels more like a return to form to me than anything else.

I posted this in the preorder thread but figured i would post it here as well.

This is a preorder for my friend’s band’s debut record release. They’re all very talented musicians, have been working hard on music for as long as i can remember and are finally putting a physical release out.

It’s very spacey yet intensely psychedelic sounding instrumental music.
Give it a listen, theres only 3 songs out so far so its not too big of a time commitment. Wax mages are sold out already but there is still black vinyl available.
The new Sharon Van Etten album feels/sounds like her biggest change up yet. In some ways it does expound on the new electronic-adjacent sounds of the last one. But this one is much more ambitious? Strange? It’s a nice change. I really love early SVE the most. But it’s nice to see her change over time. I don’t know yet 100% how much I like this one. But it’s better than the last one for me. I think it could be a grower.

Similarly, I think Arcade Fire’s We is gonna take a bit of time to digest. It kinda sounds like all the songs with parts are doing the same things? But I enjoy End Of The Empire a lot. And I think We is a good closer. I don’t hear it as a bad album at all. This is more the style I want from them. But it hasn’t fully hit me yet. I like it more than I anticipated. I’m sure people will hate it, and some won’t give it more than one chance. But it sounds like something that could have that potential to really grow. Who knows? Their albums have grown on me over time. But I think if you don’t like Arcade Fire in general, you will not enjoy this at all.

Started the new Warpaint and it’s got that just nice, smooth, perfectly bass-y sound I want from them. Excited to finish it.
I enjoyed the new Otoboke Beaver and Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever albums. Both were more of what I like from each band.

I'm on track 5 of Ibaraki, and damn this one is really doing it for me. Loved the singles, the rest of the album has not disappointed. Likely going to be an AOTY contender for me.
New Rolling Blackouts isn't grabbing me like their previous output. The jangly guitars are still there but the vocals seem a little more subdued. I liked the album, just not an insta-buy like their last 2 were.