Needles & Grooves AotM /// Vol. 51 - September 2023 Two-Fer/// Daniel Bachman - Seven Pines and Almanac Behind - See Post #2

When I previewed the first couple minutes I thought, "Oh great, more music for my wife to hate!" đŸ¤£

Actually, with y'all being responsible, caring parents, I bet if you hip her to the context and the meaning behind this record, she'll better understand it's disjointed nature. When I watched the film and read the breakdown behind each song is when it really took hold for me. It sounds weird and uncomfortable and scary because that's where we're headed from a climate change standpoint. If changes aren't made, like yesterday, our children and grandchildren are fucked. That context makes this a very emotional record for some.
Actually, with y'all being responsible, caring parents, I bet if you hip her to the context and the meaning behind this record, she'll better understand it's disjointed nature. When I watched the film and read the breakdown behind each song is when it really took hold for me. It sounds weird and uncomfortable and scary because that's where we're headed from a climate change standpoint. If changes aren't made, like yesterday, our children and grandchildren are fucked. That context makes this a very emotional record for some.

I think she could appreciate it on an intellectual level, but I think it would just superamplify her anxiety đŸ˜¯

thank you!!