Needles & Grooves AotM /// Vol. 51 - September 2023 Two-Fer/// Daniel Bachman - Seven Pines and Almanac Behind - See Post #2

Yer Ol' Uncle D

Well-Known Member
May 15, 2019
Left Of The Dial
Three years pass, defenses are relaxed, security loosens, complacency sets in, entrances go unchecked, guards take untimely naps and just like that your resident weird uncle manages to slip back into the AOTM thread for another eccentric installment.

I had so much fun with the first one. It's truly an honor to go 'round again. I hope y'all have as much fun as I will.

This month is going to be a first and there's a backstory to that...

For those of you who may be unaware, I've operated my own free record club on the N&G Forum for close to a year. I often send out two or more records every month to the winners. When I was chosen to host the 2023 September AOTM, a few folks familiar with my crazy VMD venture posted comments from 'everyone is getting a free record' (I hate to disappoint, but, uh, no) to 'we're getting two records of the month'. Now the latter one.......hmmm. I pondered two records of the month and how I could make that work. Thanks to the crazy suggestion/challenge/joke of @Skalap, September 2023 will indeed be the first N&G AotM to feature two records. If it works as planned, I'm a genius. If it careens off the rails, well, @Skalap gonna have some explaining to do.

This month's records share a common connection. Since we're dealing with two LPs, the hints will be a little more abundant. Clues could apply to one or both of the records. The last go 'round, I had a prize so let's do that again. Not sure what it will be at this point, but I'll come up with something. I'm gonna run it the same way as last time - if you simply take a stab at one or both records, you earn an entry into the drawing. One entry per member so if you guess 10 records, that = 1 entry. If you're the first to correctly guess one of the records, you get an additional 5 entries into the drawing. If you're the first to guess both records, you earn an additional 15 entries into the drawing. That sound good? Good.

I know this is not the usual program and is a bit wacky, but hopefully the weird will turn out to be wonderful. Again, if this all goes to hell in a handbasket, please direct all inquiries to @Skalap.

Let's have some fun!
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The N&G AotM double dinger for September is.....

Daniel Bachman - Seven Pines and Almanac Behind

I hope y'all like these records enough to own them. It's public knowledge here that I'm very passionate about supporting the artist directly when possible. I've reached out to Daniel to see if there are purchase routes - especially for Seven Pines - that will be the most beneficial to him financially. I'll post links here as soon as he gives me confirmation.

In the meantime, enjoy sampling these fine records. They were recorded 10 years apart and are two completely different animals.

To make things simple and succinct, Seven Pines is acoustic psychedelic Appalachia...

...and Almanac Behind is a dire warning of endless collapse. Complete record link below with accompanying film. I highly recommend you find a time to listen in one sitting with the commentary handy. I found this to be a deeply affecting record. All I could think of are our granddaughters and what kind of hand they're going to be dealt...

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Reserved for guesses...

@avecigrec - Daisy Door
Dr. Aftershave & The Mixed-Pickles 'For Missus Beastly'
Pelt 'Pearls From The River'
@Skalap - Kamasi Washington 'The Epic'
@Lee Newman - The Who 'Who's Next'
Noam Pikelny 'Plays Bill Monroe'
Steve Earle & The Dukes "Ghosys Of West Virginia'
The Electric Flag "Live From California'
Toby Keith 'Clancy's Tavern' - a joke guess but you shall suffer the shame, nonetheless.
Hiss Golden Messenger 'Haw' & 'Jump For Joy'
@jt4527 - Guns N Roses 'Appetite For Destruction'
The Velvet Underground 'White Light White heat'
@cul8er - The Black Crowes 'Shake Your Moneymaker'
White Zombie 'Le Sexorcisto'
Alas Earwax! 'Cliff Notes'
@ranbalam - Elvis Costello 'Mighty Like A Rose'
@Endtro - Frank Zappa 'Joe's Garage'
@Hemotep - Charlie Louvin 'Live At Shake It Records'
@AndySlash Civil Wars 'Live At Eddie's Attic' and 'Barton Hollow'
Daniel Bachman 'Seven Pines' & 'Almanac Behind'
@livinsmall Billy Bragg & Wilco 'Mermaid Ave'
Uncle Tupelo 'No Depression'
@NewsFedora Dave Easley "Byways Of the Moon'

Everyone will get one entry on the prize wheel with the exception of @AndySlash who nailed both records and will hit that thang with 16.
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Three years pass, defenses are relaxed, security loosens, complacency sets in, entrances go unchecked, guards take untimely naps and just like that your resident weird uncle manages to slip back into the AOTM thread for another eccentric installment.

I had so much fun with the first one. It's truly an honor to go 'round again. I hope y'all have as much fun as I will.

This month is going to be a first and there's a backstory to that...

For those of you who may be unaware, I've operated my own free record club on the N&G Forum for close to a year. I often send out two or more records every month to the winners. When I was chosen to host the 2023 September AOTM, a few folks familiar with my crazy VMD venture posted comments from 'everyone is getting a free record' (I hate to disappoint, but, uh, no) to 'we're getting two records of the month'. Now the latter one.......hmmm. I pondered two records of the month and how I could make that work. Thanks to the crazy suggestion/challenge/joke of @Skalap, September 2023 will indeed be the first N&G AotM to feature two records. If it works as planned, I'm a genius. If it careens off the rails, well, @Skalap gonna have some explaining to do.

This month's records share a common connection. Since we're dealing with two LPs, the hints will be a little more abundant. Clues could apply to one or both of the records. The last go 'round, I had a prize so let's do that again. Not sure what it will be at this point, but I'll come up with something. I'm gonna run it the same way as last time - if you simply take a stab at one or both records, you earn an entry into the drawing. One entry per member so if you guess 10 records, that = 1 entry. If you're the first to correctly guess one of the records, you get an additional 5 entries into the drawing. If you're the first to guess both records, you earn an additional 15 entries into the drawing. That sound good? Good.

I know this is not the usual program and is a bit wacky, but hopefully the weird will turn out to be wonderful. Again, if this all goes to hell in a handbasket, please direct all inquiries to @Skalap.

Let's have some fun!
