Needles & Grooves AotM /// Vol. 40 - October 2022 /// 🎃/// Tash Sultana - Flow State

Solo superstar? The saxophone was the only instrument that Prince ever received formal instruction in...

"Incense and Candles" is a track on 3121.

Is 3121 available on 200g?

edit: as far as I can tell, no.

This is actually getting closer to the genre.... and potentially another ambiguous clue.

Edit: It's not Prince, though. :)
Everyone is hung up on jazz but that's not the only genre of music that features a saxophone!!! May I present this:

Second song features a saxophone in the title and in the song!! I'm sure there were more than a few hundred grams of something floating around SNL at the time AND a picture of the pope once got ripped up live on the show....

Saxophone AND sexy keyboard??? The N&G baby boom is about to kick off!!!
Maybe the clue is just the dollar sign and not the keyboard, and it's actually