Needles & Grooves AoTM /// Vol. 3 - September 2019 /// Nicole Atkins - Goodnight, Rhonda Lee

Jesca Hoop's album looks like a solid guess, Goatfish. It's got Fiona Apple on it, so that, ya know, is a selling point. Plus there are some tracks on some of her other albums that fit the gif clues well.

I'm certainly going to listen to it during lunch today!
Mindy Smith - Stupid Love passes all the hurdles except I haven’t thought of a way to tie it into the drinking gif. I’ll listen to the album today.

Bad Guy might fit (Jekyll/Hyde).

Also, there’s a cover on the album! Teeeee was playing a few covers the day she said there may have been a clue in the JQBX.

What about the sleepwalking gif hint?
@Teeeee the new episode has Corin and Carrie. I haven't listened to it yet.
I saw that and got really excited and ran to find out what song it was. And then got less excited when it was a new song. But I will listen to it. Perhaps today. And it will get me excited again. As long as Carrie shuts up and lets Corin talk.
I saw that and got really excited and ran to find out what song it was. And then got less excited when it was a new song. But I will listen to it. Perhaps today. And it will get me excited again. As long as Carrie shuts up and lets Corin talk.

Yeahhhhh. I'm holding off on anymore talk from them until the record. I'll listen to it after.