Needles & Grooves AoTM /// Vol. 2 - August 2019 /// Khemmis - Hunted

I know the Khemmis has proven victorious in the N&G ROTM battle royal but I just saw this posted on the Metal thread and it seemed like it needed to be reposted here too...

I swear, parts of the songs Hunted and Beyond the Door really remind me of Explosions in the Sky. I don’t know if that’s because of similar influences, the similar expression of an emotional journey, or just my ears playing tricks on me because of similar tones. It’s only in small snippets and in very specific places.

Or I’m stupid or crazy.

Maybe all of the above!
I swear, parts of the songs Hunted and Beyond the Door really remind me of Explosions in the Sky. I don’t know if that’s because of similar influences, the similar expression of an emotional journey, or just my ears playing tricks on me because of similar tones. It’s only in small snippets and in very specific places.

Or I’m stupid or crazy.

Maybe all of the above!

There are tiny bits and pieces of “post” type soundscapes for sure IMO. I know the guys in the band have very diverse influences.