Needles & Grooves AotM /// Vol. 12 - June 2020 /// Tortoise - TNT

Alright, I'll give a real clue.

Clue #2:
the stars


its muse black holes and revelations
Things clue 4 (from Smokey and the Bandit) could signify:

1977 (the year that movie came out), songs and/or artists from the soundtrack, Universal Music Group label (movie was by Universal studios) or lyrics, song titles, or album title relating to 10-4, Good Buddy, Smokey, The Bandit, Burt, Burt Reynolds, agreement, friendship, numbers, driving, bootlegging, popular gifs.

Or something else I’m not thinking of.
Things clue 4 (from Smokey and the Bandit) could signify:

1977 (the year that movie came out), songs and/or artists from the soundtrack, Universal Music Group label (movie was by Universal studios) or lyrics, song titles, or album title relating to 10-4, Good Buddy, Smokey, The Bandit, Burt, Burt Reynolds, agreement, friendship, numbers, driving, bootlegging, popular gifs.

Or something else I’m not thinking of.
One of these things is accurate.