
Yeah it’s a shame. I wanted to see her get adapted screenplay pretty bad. Jojo Rabbit is a solid pick too, I still love that movie. But she/Little Women deserved more recognition from the awards. I felt Lady Bird did too. How was that nominated for directing but Little Women wasn’t? Weird
I don't think Jojo Rabbit is good, but I do like Taika's other films and him as a person, so I'm okay with it. Definitely think it shoulda have gone to Greta though.
I am a bit surprised that Little Women didn’t get the adapted screenplay award. From what I’ve read, Taikia did a more extensive rework of his source material, and I think he got a slight advantage to seeming more topical, and being the first adaptation of that material. Little Women suffers from the perception that it’s just another remake when it’s really a cleverly disguised po-mo meta take on the story.

I think Little Women was the stronger film, but I still really like Jojo despite the controversy, most of which is fueled by stupid hot takes. My favorite one of the bunch was pitting it against A Hidden Life which some critics actually argued had more clarity of message! Another film I loved this year, but to think a wide audience would resonate with a 3 hour Terrance Malick mediation piece is just out of touch. Jojo isn’t Taikia’s best in my mind, but still has lot of the ingredients that made his NZ films so special, and I think he’s getting the recognition for that.
A Hidden Life is one I still need to see. very excited to finally check it out once it gets its home release
A Hidden Life is one I still need to see. very excited to finally check it out once it gets its home release

Definitely worth seeing if you're a Malick fan. To be honest I lost interest after To The Wonder but this made we want to go back and watch the three I missed (still haven't done that yet). I'm surprised anyone saw it at all as it was totally buried by TRoS! I went to go see it when it came out here, and it was already gone by the next week.

Speaking of buried, I am finally going to see Portrait of a Lady on Fire this week, almost a full year after its Cannes premier. I'm curious to see how that lives up to the hype.
What a great surprise that was. I was watching with my wife (who’s already pretty anti-Hollywood and anti-awards), and she was bemoaning the glut of Boy Movies that were nominated. So as the night wore on, and the Car Movie, the Cowboy Actor movie, the Comic Book Movie, and the War Movie were dominating overall, things felt pretty dire.

Who knows what this actually means for the industry, but I’m excited for Bong and whatever he chooses to do next, and I’m excited that this means that many more people will get off their butts and check out Parasite.
I like Jojo Rabbit and it seems like a lot of people have turned on it recently. So much of the criticism I’ve seen wildly misunderstands what the film is trying (and mostly succeeding) to do. Instead they’re framing it in a way that I don’t think was the point, and then saying: here’s how it fails at that.


I like Jojo Rabbit and it seems like a lot of people have turned on it recently. So much of the criticism I’ve seen wildly misunderstands what the film is trying (and mostly succeeding) to do. Instead they’re framing it in a way that I don’t think was the point, and then saying: here’s how it fails at that.


I haven’t seen Jojo Rabbit yet. Love Taika, but am still scared to see it. I’ve seen so many takes from across the spectrum that I don’t know if I can go in clean. Like I’ve seen people express reasons for liking it which I don’t jibe with, and I’ve seen people express reasons for hating it which I don’t jibe with either. And vice-versa; I’ve heard compelling reasons for and against the movie. I’ll get around to it, but it’s somehow managed to surpass Joker as a movie which has exhausted me entirely due to the discourse surrounding it.
I haven’t seen Jojo Rabbit yet. Love Taika, but am still scared to see it. I’ve seen so many takes from across the spectrum that I don’t know if I can go in clean. Like I’ve seen people express reasons for liking it which I don’t jibe with, and I’ve seen people express reasons for hating it which I don’t jibe with either. And vice-versa; I’ve heard compelling reasons for and against the movie. I’ll get around to it, but it’s somehow managed to surpass Joker as a movie which has exhausted me entirely due to the discourse surrounding it.

Yeah, I will probably watch Jojo at some point, but it's at the bottom of my list. And I love Taika.
I like Jojo Rabbit and it seems like a lot of people have turned on it recently. So much of the criticism I’ve seen wildly misunderstands what the film is trying (and mostly succeeding) to do. Instead they’re framing it in a way that I don’t think was the point, and then saying: here’s how it fails at that.


Right, I mean even review's like Mike's on AV Club (BTW I follow him on Letterboxd and he's really all over the place, so I personally don't put much stock into his likes / dislikes) are pretty neutral, maybe slightly leaning down. In my observation, the turning on the film is really more film twitter discourse over the awards season. IMO there's bigger fish to fry than Taikia if you're going to go after what's wrong with this year's awards. Worth nothing that the overall impression of the film is strong, audience love it, it's got a high rotten score, and a lot of prominent supporters (Bryan Fuller said it was his favorite film of 2019, which totally tracks).

The worst thing I can say about the film is that it doesn't live up to the controversy at all. It's a good solid heartfelt film, but I think @Bull Shannon and @kvetcha are smart to let it all blow over, because nothing can live up to the circus around it.
I like Jojo Rabbit and it seems like a lot of people have turned on it recently. So much of the criticism I’ve seen wildly misunderstands what the film is trying (and mostly succeeding) to do. Instead they’re framing it in a way that I don’t think was the point, and then saying: here’s how it fails at that.


I don't really buy any of this kind of the negativity surrounding Jojo Rabbit. Nazis have been satirized well before, and I'm all about it. Apart from the ending, which I thought was pretty bad, it didn't feel that misguided to me.

My problem is that the satire is weak, and the movie is bland. It feels half-baked Wes Anderson knock off, and the satire doesn't feel like anything beyond "hee hee Hitler bad." Again, I like Taika and his previous work, but it kind of bums me out he won for this when he will inevitably make something much better.
I don't really buy any of this kind of the negativity surrounding Jojo Rabbit. Nazis have been satirized well before, and I'm all about it. Apart from the ending, which I thought was pretty bad, it didn't feel that misguided to me.

My problem is that the satire is weak, and the movie is bland. It feels half-baked Wes Anderson knock off, and the satire doesn't feel like anything beyond "hee hee Hitler bad." Again, I like Taika and his previous work, but it kind of bums me out he won for this when he will inevitably make something much better.
Definitely not as bad as Joker at least.
The worst thing I can say about the film is that it doesn't live up to the controversy at all. It's a good solid heartfelt film, but I think @Bull Shannon and @kvetcha are smart to let it all blow over, because nothing can live up to the circus around it.

I'll just watch Hunt for the Wilderpeople several more times.
I was happy Parasite won. My older daughter kept getting mad that Little Women wasn't winning the categories it was up for minus costume design. It was the only one of the Oscar movies she saw.
I mean, it also ruled, so she's not unjustified.
I'm glad that at least its win was a deserved one; Best Costume can often just mean "most frilly period costumes," but the costumes in LW did such a good job of helping characterization, indicating growth and maturity, and did a lot for helping differentiate the (easily distinguishable) timelines.