MoFi UltraDeck / StudioDeck Owners and those interested

Here’s an off the beaten path option that looks interesting. Gold Note of Italy. $1299

Those are pretty tables.. from top to bottom. Fantastic.
Haha, exactly. Their big boy gimbals (err, Fatboy to be proper!) are crazy $$. I have definitely thought about going for a b-stock or secondhand Prime Scout, but I really don't want something so fiddly that it'll a) drive me nuts or b) dissuade my partner from wanting to spin.
Most of the new tables (if not all) have the gimbal option now. It's not just the fat boy arm anymore. But no discounts or closeouts on those yet. But in the next 2 years, I'd expect to find a good number of used or close out VPIs with the gimbal on various arms.

Here’s an off the beaten path option that looks interesting. Gold Note of Italy. $1299

My local dealer has come very close to picking up Gold Note several times. It would fit right in with the Italian brands he distributes for.
But going to from no vinyl in the shop to the level of stuff that he pushes... it's a big $ and a big learning curve. But that's the only brand he's ever considered brining in from a vinyl perspective.
Damn thing is a beauty. At €6500 base price though….

I’d probably go 1210G and be set for life.

You'd think that $7000+ dollars would at least get you the gold-plated (well, gold leaf) version but no; that's extra still.
I agree with @HiFi Guy ; once you get to the 1200G and some others at its price point, meaningful improvements in performance are slight.
However, Technics is there to tempt you with the SL-1000R if you want to spend "Vertere money"!

Back to MoFi - hard to beat the value they bring in this line of turntables.
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Here’s an off the beaten path option that looks interesting. Gold Note of Italy. $1299


would go nicely with everybody's silver amps and preamps!

You'd think that $7000+ dollars would at least get you the gold-plated (well, gold leaf) version but no; that's extra still.
I agree with @HiFi Guy ; once you get to the 1200G and some others at its price point, meaningful improvements in performance are slight.
However, Technics is there to tempt you with the SL-1000R if you want to spend "Vertere money"!

Back to MoFi - hard to beat the value they bring in this line of turntables.
I can't bring myself to spend 1200 money since I'm where I'm at, I like my UD too much. But, I've always had a parked itch to upgrade the PLX to a 1210. Not that I'm wanting for anything as we stand, it's just one of those "always wanted" pieces tossed in with a vintage Marantz amp.

The Gold Note is a beautiful deck.
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I can't bring myself to spend 1200 money since I'm where I'm at, I like my UD too much. But, I've always had a parked itch to upgrade the PLX to a 1210. Not that I'm wanting for anything as we stand, it's just one of those "always wanted" pieces tossed in with a vintage Marantz.

The Gold Note is a beautiful deck.
I hear you.. I thought about turning the PLX around for a Technics when they came back out (a GR rather than the G I had initially wanted) but in the end I've decided that I am done table shopping for good.

There is nothing else I could possibly want out of a table that I'm not getting from the MoFi and Pioneer combo.

The PLX running the Shure V15 III with the Jico SAS stylus is just awesome. Listening to Zeppelin or Black Sabbath or any other classic rock just sounds dead right on the PLX1000. It also handles modern pop/hip hop extremely well. The PLX just has a certain pace to it that grabs me and runs. I love the thing. If it ever dies I'll replace it with a GR.. outside of that its staying put.

And the MoFi, now running the Nagaoka MP500, blows me away with its ultra quiet sound floor and smooth output. I'm still totally smitten with the way it looks which is a nice bonus. I play mostly jazz and older R&B (Marvin Gave, Aretha, Curtis Mayfield, Sam Cooke, etc..) on the MoFi and it really brings out the best in these albums. I have listened to them all again and seemed in many cases to be the first time.

Having the M6x Vinyl pre-amp allows me to connect both tables and load both carts properly which has been great. I love the way it sounds. It seems to get out of the way as cart changes are evident. To me that indicates that it lets the carts do the talking. It's a real nice pre IMO for the $.

At this point, I want to get two more sets of Cardas Parsec interconnects. One to connect the PLX to the M6x (currently have a Pangea TT chord there) and one from the M6x to the Luxman (currently Blue Jeans there). After that I might go lightly into some isolation feet for my components. I have three carts to rotate at this point so should be set there for a while as well.

Hopefully, It's really all about building the vinyl collection now.

(of course, by this time next year I could have new speakers, amp, dac.. zip it.. whatever.. lol)
I hear you.. I thought about turning the PLX around for a Technics when they came back out (a GR rather than the G I had initially wanted) but in the end I've decided that I am done table shopping for good.

There is nothing else I could possibly want out of a table that I'm not getting from the MoFi and Pioneer combo.

The PLX running the Shure V15 III with the Jico SAS stylus is just awesome. Listening to Zeppelin or Black Sabbath or any other classic rock just sounds dead right on the PLX1000. It also handles modern pop/hip hop extremely well. The PLX just has a certain pace to it that grabs me and runs. I love the thing. If it ever dies I'll replace it with a GR.. outside of that its staying put.

And the MoFi, now running the Nagaoka MP500, blows me away with its ultra quiet sound floor and smooth output. I'm still totally smitten with the way it looks which is a nice bonus. I play mostly jazz and older R&B (Marvin Gave, Aretha, Curtis Mayfield, Sam Cooke, etc..) on the MoFi and it really brings out the best in these albums. I have listened to them all again and seemed in many cases to be the first time.

Having the M6x Vinyl pre-amp allows me to connect both tables and load both carts properly which has been great. I love the way it sounds. It seems to get out of the way as cart changes are evident. To me that indicates that it lets the carts do the talking. It's a real nice pre IMO for the $.

At this point, I want to get two more sets of Cardas Parsec interconnects. One to connect the PLX to the M6x (currently have a Pangea TT chord there) and one from the M6x to the Luxman (currently Blue Jeans there). After that I might go lightly into some isolation feet for my components. I have three carts to rotate at this point so should be set there for a while as well.

Hopefully, It's really all about building the vinyl collection now.

(of course, by this time next year I could have new speakers, amp, dac.. zip it.. whatever.. lol)
Agreed, that's why it's wayyyy back burner stuff. I'm with you, the PLX / UD combo suites me fine, the LRSs were a really nice surprise and "upgrade", outside of replacing the LRS stands, and maybe looking at a sub post 100hrs on the LRSs I'm done and more than happy with everything. I find carts always kind of up in the air, but I don't see going more expensive, I'm not finding the big jumps audibly to match the big jumps in price, I have more than plenty of in house options at the moment so hard pressed to make a change any day soon-ish, lol.

I really like the Hana on the UD and I've kept my Ortofon Quintet Mono mounted on the PLX for just that, which sounds great by the way, sharing quick swap duties with the Bronze when needed.
Most of the new tables (if not all) have the gimbal option now. It's not just the fat boy arm anymore. But no discounts or closeouts on those yet. But in the next 2 years, I'd expect to find a good number of used or close out VPIs with the gimbal on various arms.
I think it's just the Player gimbal though, right? Is there something between that and a Fatboy?
So what you’re saying is that I should stop moaning about the rain and be glad I live in a country where the humidity is generally between 80% and 100% during winter?

Ha ha. You guys are killing me. I live where the humidity is often around 10%, and when it gets above 50%, it feels swampy. (Scottsdale, AZ current RH is 8%!)
Ha ha. You guys are killing me. I live where the humidity is often around 10%, and when it gets above 50%, it feels swampy. (Scottsdale, AZ current RH is 8%!)

It’s 91% here right now and the east coast is normally the least humid part of the country. That’s what you get being a small island on the eastern edge of a very big ocean 😂
Ha ha. You guys are killing me. I live where the humidity is often around 10%, and when it gets above 50%, it feels swampy. (Scottsdale, AZ current RH is 8%!)
@Joe Mac Arizona gets hot as hell. The saying is “but it’s a dry heat”. Sticking your arm in the oven is a dry heat too! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

You don’t sweat, you just burn.
@Joe Mac Arizona gets hot as hell. The saying is “but it’s a dry heat”. Sticking your arm in the oven is a dry heat too! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

You don’t sweat, you just burn.

Given that I don’t function above 25 C that sounds dreadful! I would like to spend less time getting drenched on my way to and from work though!
I think it's just the Player gimbal though, right? Is there something between that and a Fatboy
Prime 21
Prime Fatboy
Signature 21

All are now standard with gimbal. I think above the Player you can call and request unipivot or gimbal with the same arm tubes.

They are moving that way. Matt said he prefers the unipivot still, but only because he’s obviously had a lot of time with both and is pressed to give his opinion. He said he’s be shocked if even very experienced listeners could distinguish the two. They are very close in sound, and he said gimbal is just admittedly easier to use.
I'm selling my Studio Deck with the ART 9XI installed. It will include the Mofi Heavy Weight, and the Audio-technica riser in original box for 1200.00 shipped to the upper 48. For 1700.00 I throw in the other ART 9 original that I have. I will be listing it here with pics and on another site late this week but wanted to throw it out here first.

Also the Sutherland 20/20 mk2 for 1100.00 shipped.

.... long story, but shifting my listening setup with some changing priorities and decided the vinyl set-up is the thing I can live without most at the moment out of my audio system presently.
I'm selling my Studio Deck with the ART 9XI installed. It will include the Mofi Heavy Weight, and the Audio-technica riser in original box for 1200.00 shipped to the upper 48. For 1700.00 I throw in the other ART 9 original that I have. I will be listing it here with pics and on another site late this week but wanted to throw it out here first.

Also the Sutherland 20/20 mk2 for 1100.00 shipped.

.... long story, but shifting my listening setup with some changing priorities and decided the vinyl set-up is the thing I can live without most at the moment out of my audio system presently.
Someone here needs this!!!!! Deal of a lifetime on either/both!!!!