Klipsch Speakers Thread

So, I went to play a record yesterday, and got no sound from my right speaker. I have the R-15PM speakers. The left one worked fine, but nothing from the right. I checked the phono button, switched wires between speakers, and unplugged them for a bit. Nothing seemed to work. Is my speaker dead, or does anyone have any idea what to try next?
So, I went to play a record yesterday, and got no sound from my right speaker. I have the R-15PM speakers. The left one worked fine, but nothing from the right. I checked the phono button, switched wires between speakers, and unplugged them for a bit. Nothing seemed to work. Is my speaker dead, or does anyone have any idea what to try next?
So if you're saying that the speaker doesn't work, regardless of which channel it's connected to, that would rule out the signal as your problem and, yes, point to the speaker as the issue. Everything else I can think of wouldn't change the fact that (if I understand what you've done to problem-solve) when you connect that speaker to a channel you know is working, you get no sound.

Is it the powered or the passive speaker that's the problem? (Looking online, seems the right speaker is the powered one, and that's the one you're having a problem with, right?) Could it be the power source? A fuse? (I've never had a powered speaker, let alone one with a built-in pre-amp, so I'm probably little help!)
Congrats!!! They look to be in nice shape!!! Look forward to hearing your impressions! What are you hooking them up to?

Thanks for the comments and love! They are really nice! A few nicks, nothing major.

They are hooked up to vintage McIntosh MA230 or 1700 right now.

These are truly heaven to listen to, Big, Bold, Smooth, Alive, etc but not overly honky or bright like some of the folklore you read about. And wonderful synergy with my McIntosh amps. They would probbaly be great with the PrimaLuna's some of you have.

Going to clean up the connectors today and shine em up, about all thats needed. Then get some better cables and the caps upgraded one day.

I have them about 8 feet apart against the back wall, slight toe in, and tilted up about 1-1/2".

I have always wanted to hear the Cornwalls!!
I nearly got a pair of Forte III, would of been happy with them, but the Cornwall is king.
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Thanks for the comments and love! They are really nice! A few nicks, nothing major.

These are truly heaven to listen to, Big, Bold, Smooth, Alive, etc but not overly honky or bright like some of the folklore you read about. And wonderful synergy with my McIntosh amp. They would probbaly be great with the PrimaLuna's some of you have.

Going to clean up the connectors today and shine em up, about all thats needed. Then get some better cables and the caps upgraded one day.

I have them about 8 feet apart against the back wall, slight toe in, and tilted up about 1-1/2".

I nearly got a pair of Forte III, would of been happy with them, but the Cornwall is king.
How are the crossovers looking? I recommend Crites (RIP Bob) if they're original and haven't been refurbished.
How are the crossovers looking? I recommend Crites (RIP Bob) if they're original and haven't been refurbished.

They sound a little tired in the highs but good for 1978, so likely need a refresh. Per advice I cleaned all the connections on the Crossover board with DeOxit/Pro Gold then reattached all the connections. I'm likely to get rebuild kits at some point.

Just a Fyi to everyone as Kvecha said Bob Crites (Klipsch mods) passed away earlier this year but his family is going ahead with the business. I talked to his son who seems like he has a good grasp of everything,
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I prefer my Grilles on, the Heritage black tweed looks classy, I like the sound that way, and finally for accident and dust prevention. I just replaced my old velcro that had become non sticky due to age on the cabs and grille's with new velcro.
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So my dad’s vintage Klipschorns were on their original mid-70s crossover networks, and rather than just swap them out he went full Frankenstein and tri-amped each speaker. As a proof of concept he’s got two 20W Lepai amplifiers on each speaker, wired directly into the woofer, tweeter and midrange drivers, with a MiniDSP handling active crossover, time alignment and equalization. We measured and adjusted each speaker individually, then as a pair from the listening position, and then hooked it up to a Rotel preamplifier as source selector and volume control.

I was very dubious going in, but holy cow, the system rips. Expansive, detailed image, unbelievably sharp transients, effortless dynamics. A good deal of this is likely due to the removal of the old, worn-out crossovers, but the active system he’s got going is really impressive, if overcomplicated.

Now to find a six-channel amplifier to replace all the Lepais.
It was a shocking improvement from the old network, which sounded big but unfocused. We’d chalked it up to the really poor space the speakers are located in, but now I’m willing to wager it was, at least in part, the crossovers themselves being worn to hell. With the new setup, the soundstage is the size of the entire wall and the imaging is enormously more detailed.

Another advantage of the new setup is that he can use the MiniDSPs to correct the speaker’s inherent time-alignment issues, which provides more resolution. Not to even mention per-speaker room EQ.

Of course, the silly part is that he’s essentially turned his KHorns into massive PC speakers.