July 2021 Vinyl Spin Challenge: Summer Breeze Makes Me Feel Fine


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2019
July 2021 Challenge Thread

No witty title, just have fun and play some music. Some of the specific dates in July are anniversaries of events.

Usual rules apply
  • not a contest or competition
  • each day is up to your own interpretation
  • try as best as you can to play something that hasn’t been played yet on that day
  • don’t worry about falling behind, you can catch up if you miss a day or two
  • try to tell a story with each record on why you chose it or why its important to you, I love reading those
July 1 - Canada Day - Time to kick it off with some CanCon
Play something by a Canadian band/artist. Bonus points if know what MAPL stands for.

July 2 - Here comes the summer (in the Northern hemisphere)
play something that makes you think of summer. If you live south of the equator play something that makes you think of winter.

July 3 - I’m Jim Morrison, I’m Dead.
Play the album/song you want played at your funeral

July 4 - I’m so Bored with the U.S.A.
Play a record by a non-USian artist.

July 5 - Interconnected day 1
Over the next 3 days play records that are connected somehow (don’t be lazy and play 3 albums by the same band, unless it was part of a trilogy)

July 6 - Interconnected day 2

July 7 - Interconnected day 3

July 8 - Once in a lifetime.

Play a record by an artist that you feel lucky to have seen perform live

July 9 - Happy Birdie, 2 Ewes
Play a record from your birth year

July 10 - Hope I die before I get old
Play a record that is older than you (bonus points if the copy is actually older than you)

July 11 - National Mojito day.
Play something that you like to listen to when you want to unwind (with or without a cocktail)

July 12 - By the time I get to Arizona
Play your favourite road trip album

July 13 - Reelin’ in the years.
Play a soundtrack or song that appeared in a movie

July 14 - Bastille Day
Play something connected to France or revolution

July 15 - Kick out the jams mother trucker!!
Play a live record

July 16 - Moby's a Dick
Play a white whale.

July 17 - Montreal Olympics opening ceremonies in 1976
Play something competitive

July 18 - Sunday chillout record

July 19 - Manic Monday

Play something to get you pumped up for the week

July 20 - The moon landing was fake
Play something spacey or makes you think of sci-fi

July 21 - Lollapalooza (Vancouver 1992)
Play a band that you love seeing play live

July 22 - Today’s Tom Sawyer/He gets high on you
Play something that makes you want to play air guitar/drums/key-tar

July 23 - Amazing cover.
Play a record with great artwork (bonus points if it is not Peter Seville, Reid Miles or Vaughan Oliver designed)

July 24 - Speaking of covers...
Play a record with a great cover song on it.

July 25 - All of you are the best.
Play something that you got as a PIF or because a forum member turned you on to the artist

July 26 - 2nd chances
Play something that took a very long time for you to get into

July 27 - Scotch Whisky Day
Play something connected to Scotland

July 28 - Diamond Dogs
Play something ruff

July 29 - International Tiger Day
Play a purr-fect record

July 30 - The Walkman was first introduced in 1979.
Play some headphones music

July 31 - Free play!!
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July 2021 Challenge Thread

No witty title, just have fun and play some music. Some of the specific dates in July are anniversaries of events.

Usual rules apply
  • not a contest or competition
  • each day is up to your own interpretation
  • try as best as you can to play something that hasn’t been played yet on that day
  • don’t worry about falling behind, you can catch up if you miss a day or two
  • try to tell a story with each record on why you chose it or why its important to you, I love reading those
July 1 - Canada Day - Time to kick it off with some CanCon
Play something by a Canadian band/artist. Bonus points if know what MAPL stands for.

July 2 - Here comes the summer (in the Northern hemisphere)
play something that makes you think of summer. If you live south of the equator play something that makes you think of winter.

July 3 - I’m Jim Morrison, I’m Dead.
Play the album/song you want played at your funeral

July 4 - I’m so Bored with the U.S.A.
Play a record by a non-USian artist.

July 5 - Interconnected day 1
Over the next 3 days play records that are connected somehow (don’t be lazy and play 3 albums by the same band, unless it was part of a trilogy)

July 6 - Interconnected day 2

July 7 - Interconnected day 3

July 8 - Once in a lifetime.

Play a record by an artist that you feel lucky to have seen perform live

July 9 - Happy Birdie, 2 Ewes
Play a record from your birth year

July 10 - Hope I die before I get old
Play a record that is older than you (bonus points if the copy is actually older than you)

July 11 - National Mojito day.
Play something that you like to listen to when you want to unwind (with or without a cocktail)

July 12 - By the time I get to Arizona
Play your favourite road trip album

July 13 - Reelin’ in the years.
Play a soundtrack or song that appeared in a movie

July 14 - Bastille Day
Play something connected to France or revolution

July 15 - Kick out the jams mother trucker!!
Play a live record

July 16 - Moby's a Dick
Play a white whale.

July 17 - Montreal Olympics opening ceremonies in 1976
Play something competitive

July 18 - Sunday chillout record

July 19 - Manic Monday

Play something to get you pumped up for the week

July 20 - The moon landing was fake
Play something spacey or makes you think of sci-fi

July 21 - Lollapalooza (Vancouver 1992)
Play a band that you love seeing play live

July 22 - Today’s Tom Sawyer/He gets high on you
Play something that makes you want to play air guitar/drums/key-tar

July 23 - Amazing cover.
Play a record with great artwork (bonus points if it is not Peter Seville, Reid Miles or Vaughan Oliver designed)

July 24 - Speaking of covers...
Play a record with a great cover song on it.

July 25 - All of you are the best.
Play something that you got as a PIF or because a forum member turned you on to the artist

July 26 - 2nd chances
Play something that took a very long time for you to get into

July 27 - Scotch Whisky Day
Play something connected to Scotland

July 28 - Diamond Dogs
Play something ruff

July 29 - International Tiger Day
Play a purr-fect record

July 30 - The Walkman was first introduced in 1979.
Play some headphones music

July 31 - Free play!!
On July 9th @jamieanderson1968 is gonna try to steal all our weak passwords.

(Never participated before but am excited to give it my first go!)
July 1 - Canada Day - Time to kick it off with some CanCon - Play something by a Canadian band/artist. Bonus points if know what MAPL stands for.

Shawn Mendes - Shawn Mendes

This was a very underrated pop album from a couple years ago, but I think it's great! Also, MAPL obviously stands for Maple Syrup, give me all the bonus points!

July 1 - Canada Day - Time to kick it off with some CanCon
Play something by a Canadian band/artist. Bonus points if know what MAPL stands for.

Orville Peck "Pony" (2019 Sub Pop)
I'm pretty sure this one follows most of MAPL (not sure about P). But I'm taking extra bonus points for being on theme for Canada Day color selection.

July 1 - Canada Day - Time to kick it off with some CanCon
Play something by a Canadian band/artist. Bonus points if know what MAPL stands for.

Orville Peck "Pony" (2019 Sub Pop)
I'm pretty sure this one follows most of MAPL (not sure about P). But I'm taking extra bonus points for being on theme for Canada Day color selection.
Only need to have 2 of the 4 to count, though L is the tough one as that needs to be a majority of all the song writers to be Canadian to count.
July 1 - Canada Day - Time to kick it off with some CanCon
Play something by a Canadian band/artist. Bonus points if know what MAPL stands for.

Our Lady Peace - Clumsy (1997)
My favorite Canadian band. Growing up in Detroit they got a lot of radio play, but when I moved out West no one had ever heard of them. They also never came out that way on tours which was a big disappointment in my teen years. But then got lucky and won a contest for 10th row tickets to see them play with Collective Soul and Tonic a couple of years ago. Their live album or Spiritual Machines are probably my favorites now, but I couldn't get enough of Clumsy and Naveed in my angsty years of teenaged depression.

I think it fits 3 of the 4 MAPL requirements. Don't think it was fully produced in Canada.

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I'm gonna see if I can weave in my full collection play into the challenge and jump around a bit.

July 1 - Canada Day - Time to kick it off with some CanCon
Play something by a Canadian band/artist. Bonus points if know what MAPL stands for.

So, what's better than one Canadian? TWO CANADIANS. I actually think this has a shot at being a four for four on the MAPL side as they tend to write their own music together and I believe it was recorded in the Great White North. This is also one of my first RSD purchases ever so a nice little throwback for me, though I have a lot more T&S to go through as well.

Tegan and Sara - Get Along
