It Could Get A Bit Messi In Here - The Football Thread.

Think he might Lampard this. Didn’t see much at Rangers (other than decent runs in Europe) that give me confidence.

Don’t say that to all the Daily Mail reading old ones in England they’re all in love with Frankie and thing he was awfully badly treated by that mean Russian…

They probably won’t be as behind a Scouser 😂

But yeah I get your point. He won the league but Celtic an actual brainless idiot as a manager and imploded. The year before when Rogers was still there for most of it and you might be more inclined to give him credit.
Don’t say that to all the Daily Mail reading old ones in England they’re all in love with Frankie and thing he was awfully badly treated by that mean Russian…

They probably won’t be as behind a Scouser 😂

But yeah I get your point. He won the league but Celtic an actual brainless idiot as a manager and imploded. The year before when Rogers was still there for most of it and you might be more inclined to give him credit.
1 trophy out of 9 is a pretty poor return, especially when the club is incurring huge losses each year to fund players.
1 trophy out of 9 is a pretty poor return, especially when the club is incurring huge losses each year to fund players.

That’s just what Rangers do. Spend beyond their means and incur debt with former chairman to win league and then blame everyone else and their dog when they go bust.

But yeah I agree especially the 1 in 6 the last two years and even more so the 1 in 3 last season. That first season he was there Rodgers’ Celtic team were still in their groove. In a largely two horse race for honours you really do need to be winning half of those to justify spend. More when that idiot Lennon is in the other dug out.
I was forced to sell my shares during the takeover in 2005 so I’d be utterly delighted to be able to own a portion of my club, no matter how small, once again. Really hoping this goes through and expands going forward

I was forced to sell my shares during the takeover in 2005 so I’d be utterly delighted to be able to own a portion of my club, no matter how small, once again. Really hoping this goes through and expands going forward

at first glance I thought this was going to be one of those Socios/fan token bullshit things but no, this is good.
at first glance I thought this was going to be one of those Socios/fan token bullshit things but no, this is good.

Yeah it’s what we’ve been demanding since 2005 tbh, last years shit show finally gave us some leverage. Shareholders United (which was a block that acted for most fan shareholders) had a pretty sizeable shareholding in 2005 before the enforced sale when the Glaziers went over 75%.

I really don’t trust them though so I won’t believe it until I actually own some shares again!
Well this is a nice an easy game for England..some of these qualifiers are a bit pointless
Maybe, but I’d rather the “wee teams” were in there than not. Just seems that England are always playing San Marino whenever I look!

Two massive performances from teams in blue tonight…while Scotland were doing the business at Hampden I was playing fives in a dominant blue team that beat the reds 18-6. Biggest scoreline in quite some time, and I scored three (if I can claim my shot that the keeper fumbled into his own net).
Maybe, but I’d rather the “wee teams” were in there than not. Just seems that England are always playing San Marino whenever I look!

Two massive performances from teams in blue tonight…while Scotland were doing the business at Hampden I was playing fives in a dominant blue team that beat the reds 18-6. Biggest scoreline in quite some time, and I scored three (if I can claim my shot that the keeper fumbled into his own net).
Watched the Scotland game on my commute into work! Hope we get a decent draw for the semi, but will probably get Austria again.
So both italy and Portugal missed directt qualification for the world cup ( against switzerland and serbia, respectively) and will have to go to the playoff round
And they’re both scared of meeting Scotland in the playoffs!
and the playoffs are single-game elimination games, so everything can happen.
qualified for this so far: northern macedonia, Portugal, Russia, Scotland, sweden, Poland , Italy, Austria, czech republic and wales . Two more will follow today. ( 1st is finland or ukraine 2nd is either netherlands, turkey or norway, who can all be 1st-3rd in their group)
I had to look up the rules:
They will play in three brackets. each bracket has two semi-finals and a final deciding who goes on.
there will be two pools from which teams are drawn. pool 1 consists of the best 6 teams from the qualifiers. pool 2 are the other 6 teams. In the semi finals the pool 1 teams will have an opponent from pool2 and have home-advantage in the semis.

Looking at the groups here
: Portugal, Scotland, Italy and Russia should be safe for pool1
Austria,Czech, Finland ( if they qualify and probably Poland and northern macedonia) look safe for pool 2
The rest depends on todays results.
Fun thing is there seems to be no presets besides the two pools. (so you could have italy and portugal both in group a in a final for the qualification)
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Meanwhile, in North American qualifyers, Canada is sitting on top of the standings after a little more than half of the tournament, after beating Mexico with "home ice" advantage. The game was played in Edmonton at -10C with snow banks around the field, LOL. Woot woot!

I seriously never thought we'd ever get a competitive national team. But here we are, taking 4 pts against #9 ranked Mexico in this tournament.