How do you Organize!

Oh and, solo artists by last name, groups by first letter of the group dropping "The" and by original release year. I don't care if it's a reissue, everything is still chronological. I was going to separate by genre, but It would leave the Kallax to uneven and with wasted space.
I do discogs order. I like it that way because then I can use the search function in discographic app to help me find records. I can’t remember anything anymore.

I only eyeball chrono order within artist. I only have a few artists with more than a couple records and I like looking through all of them. Sometimes I change my mind in what to play.
I have 2 2x4 and 2 2x2 kallax.

The general section takes up the 2 2x2, a 2x4 and 1 cube in the other 2x4.

The bulk of the general section lives under my system, with the 2x4 as a system shelf and the 2x2s as speaker stands.

I have broken out the following - Jazz, Classical and Holiday.

I use library alphabetical.

This means by last name for solo artists, unless the name is a stage name, then first name.

Bands by first letter omitting articles (the and a).

Titles chronologically.

Various artists compilations after z. Soundtracks after compilations unless it is tied to a single artist, then it goes with the artist.

Classical is hard. I alphabetize by why I would pull that record out, so Goldberg Variations by Gould under G, Six Evolutions by Ma under M, and Power of Jubilee goes under B for Bach (not Briggs the spotlight organ player).

Jazz ensembles go by leader or first listed performer.
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Ya'll will hate me - I do NOT organize.

I used to but I've enjoyed my collection a lot more since I "stopped trying to control everything and just let go..". For reference I have a collection of 200 some records and although I'm not strict about it, sometimes albums of the same genre go together in the same kallax cube.

I enjoy looking for something only to get distracted by something else and playing something I've found. Works for me!
Ya'll will hate me - I do NOT organize.

I used to but I've enjoyed my collection a lot more since I "stopped trying to control everything and just let go..". For reference I have a collection of 200 some records and although I'm not strict about it, sometimes albums of the same genre go together in the same kallax cube.

I enjoy looking for something only to get distracted by something else and playing something I've found. Works for me!
I usually get distracted looking through my records while looking for something and end up pulling out random stuff anyhow because I’m like “oh yeah!” Also with 1300+ records, it’s a must.
1. I have one of these completely full that is essentially too valuable to ever be touched again.
2. I have one of these that holds the stuff I will listen to but isn't actually out for listening.
3. I have a buffet thingy with cabinet shelves on each end and the end nearest the TT is full of "now listening" records.
4. I have a book shelf in another room that is slowly being filled with stuff that should go in either one of the first two boxes that are already full.
5. One of the above shelves catches all the 10" and 7" records in no particular order.
6. Finally, I have a computer desk next to a dresser and the space between at the floor is stuff that just entered the house and needs to be cleaned and then put in one of the other places later.
7. I have a pile of total rejects, mostly from parents collections, that used to serve as buffers when locations 1 and 2 were not full. This is things like Firestone Christmas or Bette Midler that you can find at any goodwill or Thrift Store record shelf in America. These sit in the floor fo a closet alongside the box sets and other asundry records that are oversized and wouldn't fit in location 1 or 2 (In Rainbows, Tear Garden by Kaleidoscope, etc.).

Except for 5 and 6 everything is sorted alphabetically by artist. Literally everything is cataloged on Discogs and marked as either Long Term Storage (locations 1, 4, and 6), In Rotation (locations 2, 3, and 6), or 7" or 10" (location 5).

If the record is Long Term Storage or 7"/10" I could locate it quickly. If it is In Rotation then it would be dependent on how recently I recall listening/receiving it to find it.
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Everything (mostly) alphabetical by artist.

Solo artists by last name first
Groups by first letter of the name omitting "The".

All albums within a group by chronological order of release date.

Exception: Wings is under McCartney
This is objectively the right answer, with several variations on the Wings/McCartney situation.
Depends on the year. One year it's basic alphabetical order, and eventually I'll get sick of that and reorganize it by genre. While I kind of prefer sorting by genre since I'm terrible with names and tend to stick with one genre for weeks at a time, I hate the act of deciding what genre to put _______ genre bending artist in. It becomes a Sophie's choice and I will inevitably be unhappy with how I sorted it and go back to alphabetical by artist.

That said, do you guys use any sort of tabs that list letters or genres? I've been looking for some good ones and can't find any.
Everything (mostly) alphabetical by artist.

Solo artists by last name first
Groups by first letter of the name omitting "The".

All albums within a group by chronological order of release date.

Exception: Wings is under McCartney

Exactly the same with the same exception haha!
Albums/comps A-Z by artist surname/group name then chronological for an artist, splits, compilations/OSTs A-Z, 12s as A-Z, then 10s/>7s and then 7s A-Z in boxes. Omitting "A", "The" etc from start of names. With eternal dithering over whether titles should be omitted but then that would include DJ too. big old pile of stuff I have recently bought and haven't listened to. CDs are A-Z for most apart from recent releases but most are boxed up now post-ripping to MP3. Although now I'm tempted to go through again for FLAC.
Ya'll will hate me - I do NOT organize.

I used to but I've enjoyed my collection a lot more since I "stopped trying to control everything and just let go..". For reference I have a collection of 200 some records and although I'm not strict about it, sometimes albums of the same genre go together in the same kallax cube.

I enjoy looking for something only to get distracted by something else and playing something I've found. Works for me!

I did have them separated by genre. Rock/Indie/Emo/Metal/etc in one group, Jazz in one, Country in one, Classic Rock in one, RHH in one, and then a Blues/Funk/Soul/World misc section.

I have gone back to alphabetically recently and chronologically within the artist. I think it’s more representative of my taste to have everything together. I like having Alice Coltrane next to Adrianne Lenker etc. So yes I have named artists organized by first name, not last.
Question: how do people here organize their more modern records?

I’ve been dividing by genre (more or less) and then alphabetically within the genre, but this gets tricky with artists who have spanned several decades or switched genres.

Currently my small/medium collection (~900 records) is divided into the following genres: jazz, classical, opera, blues, country, classic rock, modern rock & alternative. I’ve put certain movie soundtracks and scores into the closest matching genres. It seemed logical at first, but then you have artists like Paul Simon, Paul McCartney, Bruce Springsteen, etc., that have decades stretching from the “classic rock”’era to current. Would it make more sense to just put all rock into one category? If I do, where do other popular, non-rock albums go (NIN, Nirvana, Metallica, 2Pac, X, Bad Religion, Minor Threat) go? They’d be pretty small sub-sections as I don’t have tons, so maybe just alphabetical in the rock/pop section?