Hot Take/ Musical Confession Thread!

I thought this was going to be a thread about confessing that you like musicals. I have 2: True Stories and Blues Brothers. Little Shop Of Horrors was pretty good too, if I remember correctly.
It can be! I did just such a thing one page back. I listened to entire Cats and Nine soundtracks on Friday. Wooo

Since I saw the terrifying trailer Cats is trash. Lloyd Webber sucks.
Them’s Fighting words Count! Lol
Yeah, multiple albums being released within the span of one to two years used to be the standard, oddly enough. I say put out however much music you want whenever you want. However, the trend with more popular hip-hop acts like Migos and Drake where every album is essentially two to three LPs worth of music is annoying, especially since it's so blatantly a move to have complete control over streaming numbers for that week. But if a band or artist has two decent albums of material ready to release, then by all means go for it. If I recall that was one of the major things that lead to the Death Grips feud with Epic, that Epic essentially told them they wouldn't release NLDW for another year and so they just leaked it to their fans instead.

The Death Grips thing is kind of absurd, to be honest. They said they had the album coming, then in June, they canceled all dates and vanished claiming they still needed to make it. Then, within a couple months acted like they couldn't understand why a major label couldn't drop everything to release and promote a 2nd studio album before the end of the year, when it was already fall. But... I still think it was funny.

Also, as far as multiple albums a year: Griselda
This thread might be bad news.

I think Eric Clapton is soulless. Never liked the guy.

Also, if you love American pop music, that's fine. Brit Brit's "Toxic" is my jam, but that's because it was written by 2/3 of Miike Snow. Your tween-age neo-mall culture is essentially being created by a handful of older Swedish dudes for young white chicks to sing and Taylor Swift isn't your best friend, she's a "mean girl." Every time anyone posts about any of this shit, they should be forced to type in gel pen.

Interestingly enough, after typing this, I just saw a piece where Swift interviews Patti Boyd, of all people.

Should I start having some hater's club patches made up?
This thread might be bad news.

I think Eric Clapton is soulless. Never liked the guy.

Also, if you love American pop music, that's fine. Brit Brit's "Toxic" is my jam, but that's because it was written by 2/3 of Miike Snow. Your tween-age neo-mall culture is essentially being created by a handful of older Swedish dudes for young white chicks to sing and Taylor Swift isn't your best friend, she's a "mean girl." Every time anyone posts about any of this shit, they should be forced to type in gel pen.

Interestingly enough, after typing this, I just saw a piece where Swift interviews Patti Boyd, of all people.

Should I start having some hater's club patches made up?
Swift has been not stranger to trashing in this thread. Warms my heart
Joji would be way better if he changed his delivery. He sounds like he pounded a 5th of NyQuil before stepping into the booth
Swift has been not stranger to trashing in this thread. Warms my heart

That Patti Boyd piece is all just pictures of Swift, too, even though she's supposed to be the interviewer. The two quotes they pull and enlarge are each about from Swift, too, and are both her emphasizing the idea that she writes her own songs.
That Patti Boyd piece is all just pictures of Swift, too, even though she's supposed to be the interviewer. The two quotes they pull and enlarge are each about from Swift, too, and are both her emphasizing the idea that she writes her own songs.
Swift isn't very self-aware. I mean Reputation was pretty much "I'm a sociopath" the musical.
Another musical. Depending on how it's done, I may or may not be into that. I did like Serial Mom
Well it's more specifically " I, Taylor Swift, am a sociopath." More so than just an album features sociopathic tendencies in general. But yeah I'd be down for that. Even though Sweeny Todd might have that covered
Since I saw the terrifying trailer Cats is trash. Lloyd Webber sucks. He ripped off Pink Floyd. And James Corden is a curse on humanity and he has an extremely punchable face.

I always got the impression that James Cordon was a very nice young man who just wasn’t very talented or funny and ended up where he did out of a combination of luck, being in the right place at the right time and being completely and utterly uncontroversial in every way possible.
Lauryn Hill is extremely overrated.

I think I get your point. She made one album that was really good... and that's actually the only thing she did. (Come on, does anybody count that snoozefest of the Unplugeed as a real album?). And if in 20 years you have made only one album, and that album is good, then of course you get a perfect ratio.