Hot Take/ Musical Confession Thread!

I was never a fan of Mac either. I think his sudden high esteem came from him passing unexpectedly at a young age. That happens all the time. Same with xxxtenatacion (God that's a fucking dumb name...) I fully remember people thinking he was trash before he died and then he died and suddenly he was a " real talent that had so much potential"
Hot take: Cardi B is over.

She made one great album and a few singles when she felt she had something to prove.
She did.
And everything since her album came out (singles, collaborations) has been phoned in or half-baked at best.
Hot take: Cardi B is over.

She made one great album and a few singles when she felt she had something to prove.
She did.
And everything since her album came out (singles, collaborations) has been phoned in or half-baked at best.
Cardi B also seems incapable of acting like an adult in public situations and that's turned alot of people off of her
Mac dying got a lot of people to finally listen to him. I remember people clowning how no one was listening to his last album cause it came out on the same day that "Astroworld" did (this was pre-death.)
He's definitely got a fanbase though. Over a million likes on this vid.

As for xxxtentacion, a lot of people were saying he was trash but that he still had potential just given all of the different styles he'd play with.
Also "potential" as in he died like a year or two after his biggest controversy and people believed he was on track to become a way better person before being shot over his chain.

I find a lot of his songs really interesting, and I think if he had more time on this planet he could've put out a project that's fully realized and polished. As for now, we're just stuck with demos that his labels keep beating out of his corpse.

That wasn't the worst thing I've ever heard but nothing about that song interests me. It's perfectly mehdiocre.. and speaks volumes if that's supposed to show how good Mac could be.
That wasn't the worst thing I've ever heard but nothing about that song interests me. It's perfectly mehdiocre.. and speaks volumes if that's supposed to show how good Mac could be.

Maaaannnnn Uh uh I can’t let this one go. Mac Miller is far from the best white rapper. Eminem is a better rapper, Jon Wayne is a better Rapper, 3rd Bass were better rappers, Beastie Boys of course, and I bet you I can find unsigned white rappers that are better. I listened to most of his catalog after he passed, and while you get glimpses of greatness it’s never consistent on any one album. That’s just my opinion and you are certainly entitled to yours. That’s what’s great about music....What appeals to your ear might sound different than mine. I doubt many people share my opinion that The Monkees are better than The Beatles
Maaaannnnn Uh uh I can’t let this one go. Mac Miller is far from the best white rapper. Eminem is a better rapper, Jon Wayne is a better Rapper, 3rd Bass were better rappers, Beastie Boys of course, and I bet you I can find unsigned white rappers that are better. I listened to most of his catalog after he passed, and while you get glimpses of greatness it’s never consistent on any one album. That’s just my opinion and you are certainly entitled to yours. That’s what’s great about music....What appeals to your ear might sound different than mine. I doubt many people share my opinion that The Monkees are better than The Beatles
Wow that's like a Shyamalan hot take ending snuck in there.
Lol I guess there was a Hot Take in there and I stand by it.....The Monkees are better than The Beatles! Let that Hot Take burn in!
Mom? Is that you? Seriously, this has been my Mom’s hot take her whole life. After I discovered the Beatles at around 13 years of age, I asked my Mom why she didn’t she have any Beatles records (she graduated High School In 1976 so she would have been a bit young for Beatlemania). Her response was that she never much cared for the Beatles and growing up, she preferred the Monkees, had a Monkees lunch box and had a crush on Monkees Drummer, Mickey Dolenz. While I always thought the Monkees were a pretty good group, I am going to have to disagree with both you and my Mother regarding their greatness in relation to The Beatles.
I don't trust artists that put out more than one album a year.
Aren't you a DOOM fan? '03 and '04 insane! Also, trust no one.

If you mean you won't pre-order because you're worried it won't be up to snuff, I'm with you there, except maybe Oh Sees, who have slowed down, but I have a weakness for them at the moment.
Enough to know he is utter trash and not to waste any time with him. Like, I honestly can't tell if you're trolling now or not as this is the Hot Take thread but .. I surround myself with hip-hop heads and we universally agree he is trash. This idea that he is anywhere near a 'top rapper' or anything is so ridiculous, that's why I'm like 98% sure you're just trolling at this point. Nobody with any knowledge, or context of hip-hop history could possibly think this dude was good.

He's a rich kid from PA who used his money to buy a rap career and you bought into it. Shame on you. Next you're going to tell me that Asher Roth is one of the best lyricists / arrangers / composers too, right?
I like your certainty that @ghostdorado is trolling - maybe in an Andy Kaufman-esque way?

Note - I personally do not like Mac Miller. I also don't dislike him. Nothing I've ever heard has made me want to listen to more. I thought his NPR Tiny Desk was good but that may have been partly due to the anchoring by Thundercat, who I quite enjoy. I don't think he is trash.

I DO think the idea of him as even within eyesight of G.O.A.T. - white or otherwise - is silly. Dude's not seeing it even with a telescope. I also think the partitioning of G.O.A.T. as "greatest white..." or "greatest female" (or whatever) is a bad idea. There are female MCs that I'd put toe-to-toe with male MCs for sure.

The argument that he came from money is lazy, though. I think some of Clams Casino has some great mixtapes - from my internet sleuthing (Wikipedia) he came from money. And I know there are a multitude of examples in and out of hip-hop. Doesn't make the music any less poignant if the artist is authentic and you connect with it.
I don't trust artists that put out more than one album a year.
Plus The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, The Doors, plus soooooo many other great artist
Yeah, multiple albums being released within the span of one to two years used to be the standard, oddly enough. I say put out however much music you want whenever you want. However, the trend with more popular hip-hop acts like Migos and Drake where every album is essentially two to three LPs worth of music is annoying, especially since it's so blatantly a move to have complete control over streaming numbers for that week. But if a band or artist has two decent albums of material ready to release, then by all means go for it. If I recall that was one of the major things that lead to the Death Grips feud with Epic, that Epic essentially told them they wouldn't release NLDW for another year and so they just leaked it to their fans instead.