Hip Hop

RIP MF Doom. I was late arriving to him and thanks to VMP I got my first introduction and then immediately gobbled up all his releases. His style of hip hop is exactly what I enjoy. Great samples, a whole persona that he stuck with like a method actor, and smooth lyrics. I was hoping we'd see something new from him in the coming years as I remembered reading a New Yorker article about him working on new things and toying with Madvillainy 2.0. It sucks that 2020 took another bright light from us.
Figured it was worth sharing this in this thread as well
This is how I was introduced to DOOM. Obviously I'm biased but this is still one of my favorite performances of his and one of the greatest guest spots on a Gorillaz song ever. Rest In Power DOOM.

I'm so fucking heartbroken right now, this sucks
Figured it was worth sharing this in this thread as well

I'm so fucking heartbroken right now, this sucks
I think that was my first introduction to him as well and was one of the main reasons I began my exploration of hip hop (along with De La as well as Del on the previous album). Then I was blown away by Madvillainy.
Anyone got a reccomendation on which pressing of MF DOOM’s Operation Doomsday is the one to get? There’s too damn many of them.
WTF, I was just listening to this today and realized I still don’t have it on vinyl. I just got this All Caps poster in yesterday from Christmas.


Madvillain was one of the first albums I obsessed over in the internet era. I remember the album leaking and burning low quality CDs so I could listen to it in my car. I remember playing the leaked version of Fancy Clown on repeat, and then being confused why it sounded different when the commercial version came out. I was so fascinated when King Geedorah & Victor Vaughn came out, and this dude was playing different characters on records. I was blown away after I discovered Mr. Hood and found out that was Doom on there!

Man this sucks.
A great article:

And interview:
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What a fkin blow.
Now I feel I didnt appreciate him enough.
I see people going nuts about his vinyl prices rising right now. Who cares. A goat is dead.

Imma go open my sealed MF X Gunn. Now is a good time :(

Not his best album but I popped over to cogs to grab the VMP Born Like This pressing before it's basically impossible to get.

I'll be surprised if I actually get it.