Greatest Use Of A Musical Sample?


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2019
Left Coast
Hey, hey! I don't think there is a thread for this yet. I'd love to see what some of your favorite musical samples are. I know there are sooo many out there in funk, R&B, hip hop, etc. I'd love to hear your favorites. The more obscure and outside the box, the better! Post the original and then the sample and I will listen to them all! :)
There are a bunch here, but a thread worth reviving for sure!

There are a bunch here, but a thread worth reviving for sure!

Oh, snap! Thanks for sending. I searched and couldn’t find anything, but I think I was looking for this. :)
also a solid contender, the entire career of The Emergency Broadcast Network:

I understand they did the video stuff on U2's ZooTV tour.