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THQ Nordic announced a top down Darksiders game. This is the second of three teased game reveals coming, with Spongebob BfBB being the first revealed. The last game will be revealed tomorrow.
What recent single player games do this? I can't think of any. Or, do you mean you have to have an internet connection to download the first patch before you play a lot of times.
The new Hitman does I believe.
Yeah it's the exception not the rule though, on PS4 at least. It's how I knew about it. The vast majority of other single player games do not require you to be online. Not sure about Steam though.
What recent single player games do this? I can't think of any. Or, do you mean you have to have an internet connection to download the first patch before you play a lot of times.
I have a couple of games for the Switch (Warframe and Tetris 99 off the top of my head) that you can only play with an active internet connection. so when I'm on the train to and from work I simply can't play them unless I make my phone a hotspot, which I don't want to do as I don't want to get killed on my phone bill. if all the Stadia games require an internet connection then they aren't as available to play wherever you are as advertised. also, if playing games requires a lot of data who's to say your ISP won't throttle down your speed/service when you start consuming way more media over the internet than normal? there are legit concerns with this model, but if they can pull it off it could be pretty interesting.
I have a couple of games for the Switch (Warframe and Tetris 99 off the top of my head) that you can only play with an active internet connection. so when I'm on the train to and from work I simply can't play them unless I make my phone a hotspot, which I don't want to do as I don't want to get killed on my phone bill. if all the Stadia games require an internet connection then they aren't as available to play wherever you are as advertised. also, if playing games requires a lot of data who's to say your ISP won't throttle down your speed/service when you start consuming way more media over the internet than normal? there are legit concerns with this model, but if they can pull it off it could be pretty interesting.
Yeah, all that talk about playing anywhere on any device certainly ignores the fact that most people don't have an unlimited data plan.
if playing games requires a lot of data who's to say your ISP won't throttle down your speed/service when you start consuming way more media over the internet than normal?

That will be the major issue for games via streaming. In their E3 press conference last year EA talked about this, saying on their end they were ready to move to streaming but the internet connections were not there yet. Stadia will be the first major test for the technology.

I'm curious to see how this will play out in the next few years. At some point data caps will have to go, not only for gaming but because a lot of people now consume movies, music and other things mostly over the internet. Watching HD episodes on Netflix is also something that can go through a data cap quickly.

And there is also the fact that some parts of the world just don't have access to super fast unlimited internet. Which I guess is part of why Stadia is launched in North America and Europe only at first.
And there is also the fact that some parts of the world just don't have access to super fast unlimited internet. Which I guess is part of why Stadia is launched in North America and Europe only at first.
That and local availability of hardware. The games are being played on Google servers, those servers have to be near enough to the population to not introduce more lag than necessary. We have tons of PoPs in the US and Europe, less so in other countries. The group deploying these things are incredibly busy.

its 60 dollars for all 3 LPs plus international shipping but OH MY GOD is it worth it

its 60 dollars for all 3 LPs plus international shipping but OH MY GOD is it worth it
Very happy for you.