Drummers Drumming Drums

This is excellent. Pete Thomas' stories are hilarious, and his quick little drum bits are fantastic. It's a little lengthy at an hour and forty minutes but worth the time, in my opinion.

What did you work on in the African lesson? That sounds awesome

He was teaching me the Soli Rapide rhythm. I learned the two timekeeper parts that get played on the Djembe. We did a couple of common solo phrases and some Dun dun parts.

The cool thing was is was a solo lesson cause nobody else showed up. 3:30-5pm. Some people did show up to the shop part way and joined in.

I’ll be honest it was a struggle. I got phrases turned around. Had trouble staying to my parts when hearing other parts. Typical stuff for just starting to play music again, but it was fun.

Next Saturday they have their yearly party. Ives seen videos on IG. African drumming and dancing late into the night. Me and a friend of mine are gonna take our kids.

Oh I forgot here is and example of the rhythm with the ensemble and the parts separated out.
I was watching a show the other day and thinking about taking drum lessons again. Made me think about how amazing it is that these musicians just kind of can internalize what part of the measure and for they are in. I mean I can to it, but it not locked in like breathing.
I was watching a show the other day and thinking about taking drum lessons again. Made me think about how amazing it is that these musicians just kind of can internalize what part of the measure and for they are in. I mean I can to it, but it not locked in like breathing.
Don't know if you've seen it but this video of larnell Lewis learning enter sandman on literally how first listen is amazing

Oh man I went to a concert informal practice in a park for this Brazilian Choro group. I saw them a while back and the leader told people to come learn from them anytime. It was such a great time. I felt clumsy, and didn’t really know the parts too well, but I have two new drums I gotta buy (tamborim and a panderio). Maybe I ought to get a metronome also. Any recs for an affordable phone based one?
Oh man I went to a concert informal practice in a park for this Brazilian Choro group. I saw them a while back and the leader told people to come learn from them anytime. It was such a great time. I felt clumsy, and didn’t really know the parts too well, but I have two new drums I gotta buy (tamborim and a panderio). Maybe I ought to get a metronome also. Any recs for an affordable phone based one?
Oh man I went to a concert informal practice in a park for this Brazilian Choro group. I saw them a while back and the leader told people to come learn from them anytime. It was such a great time. I felt clumsy, and didn’t really know the parts too well, but I have two new drums I gotta buy (tamborim and a panderio). Maybe I ought to get a metronome also. Any recs for an affordable phone based one?
JP Bouvet has a RhythmBot that’s free. I haven’t messed with it very much, but I checked it out briefly and was impressed with some of the options.
Got back into the African drum classes. I think this time I’m gonna really start going regularly.

Man if you want to test your inner clock play with people that struggle with their own.