Definitive Audiophile pressings

Toad Hall says MoFi found some things cleaning out the warehouse. Only a few copies of each. Still crazy though!

@Mather the Superfly price is craaaazy now. Just saw that the other day. Hate that they are flipping their own stuff now although that seems to be the norm. AS is doing the same thing with some older APs and Classic Records titles
I get $60 for a limited amount of remaining stock that they just found when the resale price is much higher. The Superfly price (and some of their other OOS prices) is insane.
Trying to get reasonably priced, good quality reissues is pushing me more and more to the digital side of things
It has pushed me a bit to digital too but I still prefer having the physical album. Even with titles I have both as high res digital and vinyl, I find myself reaching for the vinyl more often than not.

my issue is that I buy stuff on vinyl that i don’t think I really need haha. I sometimes fall into the trap of buying something for a “good deal” instead of albums that I truly love and need.
Trying to get reasonably priced, good quality reissues is pushing me more and more to the digital side of things
QC in general is pushing me to the digital side. If it’s a record I really like, I go for it as I don’t mind re-selling if the pressing doesn’t please my ears, but lately, with everyone stuck at home and the demand for the format being where it is, there are so many copies I’ve received that should never have made it off the floor. And records cost 2-3x what they did when I started collecting.
Grabbed the QRP Hendrix Family AYE today. My local had it for....$18. They had some other Hendrix Family pressings but I think I'll just grab Blues eventually and then call it a day!
I will say, of the 3 main albums the Electric Ladyland is by far the most spectacular in terms of the mastering. It's fantastic.
The Pearl One Step supposedly has a release date of July. So that means they are likely doing Blood Sweat and Tears within the next few months, then Pearl in the summer
The Pearl One Step supposedly has a release date of July. So that means they are likely doing Blood Sweat and Tears within the next few months, then Pearl in the summer
That is a super early pre-order. I really wish places would stop doing pre-orders 4-6 months in advance.

Sunday deal at Pop Market. KG cut of Moondance. Not 100% sure if it’s the AAA or not. Supposedly KG cut one that’s AAA (has KG@ATM in the runout) while the KG@CA cut was from a digital transfer.
If that one is really from 2008, seems like it should be the ATM one, but hard to trust that date 100%.
To the above Moondance, I think Rhino is stealthily repressing a lot of the Warner titles. My Europe '72 was the same deal, magically appeared and was a repress of the 2011 edition. They likely have the new Warner Records logo.

Sunday deal at Pop Market. KG cut of Moondance. Not 100% sure if it’s the AAA or not. Supposedly KG cut one that’s AAA (has KG@ATM in the runout) while the KG@CA cut was from a digital transfer.
Highly likely it's a KPG@CA repress, probably this one, as listed on discogs by @LeeVing

I ordered the same item a few months ago from popmarket's sister site, deep discount, and I received the KPG@CA cut. I doubt the 2008 AAA pressing is available online retail anymore, in light of the numerous represses since then.
I kinda feel like being a mastering engineer would be it's own kind of hell for music lovers. Like sure you get to hear the albums in likely unparalleled clarity but you have to pore over ever song millisecond by millisecond, over and over again to make sure everything is correct. I don't know how you don't come out of each of these sessions being sick to death of every album you've worked on.
To the above Moondance, I think Rhino is stealthily repressing a lot of the Warner titles. My Europe '72 was the same deal, magically appeared and was a repress of the 2011 edition. They likely have the new Warner Records logo.
I hope they repress them. I got Europe 72 as well. So many good titles from Rhino and RTI. I’ve been buying up a lot of the Rhino x KG cuts from the past few years lately and you can still find quite a few of them. Moondance though is likely the CA cut which still sounds great but isn’t AAA