Darlington Labs MM-6 USA Tour

HiFi Guy

All Things Audio
May 15, 2019
Lakeland, Florida
I have some exciting news!

Ever wondered what an external phono stage could being to your system? Would you like to try a Darlington Labs MM-6 in your system before making a financial commitment? Now is your chance. Keith Richardson has generously offered a MM-6 loaner for Needles and Grooves members to audition.


1. US Members only.

2. Sign up by replying here. No DMs.

3. Audition Period will be 7 days.

4. Each person is responsible for postage to forward the unit to the next person on the list. Share shipping info privately between yourselves via DM, not here.

5. Each person is responsible for the unit while it is in their possession.

Please post here when you are finished with your audition and who you are sending it to next.

Keith will send it directly to the first person on the list on approximately July 10. We’ll keep it going as long as there is interest or until such time that Darlington Labs decides to discontinue the tour.

If there are are any issues during the tour, please contact me via DM.

Sounds like fun, right? Let’s do it!
I am 100% down. I've never used anything but built-in phonos on my amps and I've oft wondered if external really is the panacea promised but wanted to hear before buying. Also, I've seriously considered buying the MM-6 regardless. I am the target market.