Best of the Year Playlists - 1993 - July 2023


Aug 15, 2021
OK, here's an idea:

The Premise
Each month I'm going to post my best of the year playlist (via Spotify) for a randomly generated year. Everyone else is encouraged to do the same or create a playlist of favorites for that year. Discussion and exploration will surely abound! The range of years will be 1955 to the present. 1955 was chosen as essentially the birth year of rock and, to my mind, as good as any beginning point.

The (indulgently biographical) Background
I have been making annual playlists for decades now. I take them fairly seriously and spend a lot of time narrowing things down in a process that causes me a lot of ridiculous self-imposed stress. I have some guidelines/rules for myself: all songs must be ones I own copies of on physical media; no more than one song per album; a goal of 80 minutes' worth of music (stemming from the days when I would burn my playlists to blank CDs). In 2020, I changed my length guideline as I no longer was burning CDs; playlists post-2019 now have exactly 20 songs (which was pretty average for most 80 min. compilations I'd made). So that's what you'll see from my playlists. I'm curious if any of you have similar regulations for yourselves. In converting my iTunes playlists to Spotify, I've decided to note where songs were not available (usually Neil Young and Joni Mitchell) rather than fill in replacements. Anyway, I'm foolishly proud or at least fond of these playlists I made and wanted to share/promote them. I imagine there are others like me out there...

The Plan
I'll randomly generate three years at a time so that we can plan ahead a little for the next few months. Provisionally, February will be reserved for a playlist of the previous year. I'll also use the second post in this thread to keep a link to all the other Best of the Year playlist threads.

Here's the first quarter (VMP style!):

July - 1993
August - 2019
September - 1986
OK, here's an idea:

The Premise
Each month I'm going to post my best of the year playlist (via Spotify) for a randomly generated year. Everyone else is encouraged to do the same or create a playlist of favorites for that year. Discussion and exploration will surely abound! The range of years will be 1955 to the present. 1955 was chosen as essentially the birth year of rock and, to my mind, as good as any beginning point.

The (indulgently biographical) Background
I have been making annual playlists for decades now. I take them fairly seriously and spend a lot of time narrowing things down in a process that causes me a lot of ridiculous self-imposed stress. I have some guidelines/rules for myself: all songs must be ones I own copies of on physical media; no more than one song per album; a goal of 80 minutes' worth of music (stemming from the days when I would burn my playlists to blank CDs). In 2020, I changed my length guideline as I no longer was burning CDs; playlists post-2019 now have exactly 20 songs (which was pretty average for most 80 min. compilations I'd made). So that's what you'll see from my playlists. I'm curious if any of you have similar regulations for yourselves. In converting my iTunes playlists to Spotify, I've decided to note where songs were not available (usually Neil Young and Joni Mitchell) rather than fill in replacements. Anyway, I'm foolishly proud or at least fond of these playlists I made and wanted to share/promote them. I imagine there are others like me out there...

The Plan
I'll randomly generate three years at a time so that we can plan ahead a little for the next few months. Provisionally, February will be reserved for a playlist of the previous year. I'll also use the second post in this thread to keep a link to all the other Best of the Year playlist threads.

Here's the first quarter (VMP style!):

July - 1993
August - 2019
September - 1986
Fun idea. I did this many years ago using a mixtape format (60-minute playlist, in two 30-minute chunks). Unfortunately I haven’t used Spotify in years so I probably won’t partake.
So, the thought is that I also make a playlist of what I thought the best songs of 93 were. We compare and contrast here? No THUNDERDOME?
I didn't set any strict parameters for myself beyond 20 tracks. I have owned all but one of these songs on physical media at one point or another but only own a little under half of them in the current vinyl collection. Most of these would have been my top songs back in '93, but I did come to a handful of them between then and now. I don't have a ranked order for the songs, but a play order that I enjoy. Stupify makes a couple of the transitions between songs less smooth than I would like if I were making a physical mix out of this, but that's the nature of the beast, I guess...

Bjork's "Human Behavior" is the one consistent so far. I'm intending to listen to these two playlists in the next couple of days, but just scanning the titles has songs popping into my head that I haven't heard in years. Should be fun!
I don't use Spotify but I love lists.
Here's 19 songs I was listening to that came out in 1993.

Firehose – Herded into Pools
Cranberries – Linger
Phish – The Wedge
Daniel Lanois – Still Learning How to Crawl
Tool – Sober
Primus – My Name is Mud
Porno for Pyros – Pets
Fishbone – Lemon Meringue
Fugazi – 23 Beats Off
Smashing Pumpkins – Geek USA
I Mother Earth – Rain Will Fall
The Breeders – Cannonball
Dead Can Dance – How Fortunate the Man with None
Mazzy Star – Fade Into You
Tom Waits – The Black Rider
Lenny Kravitz – Are You Gonna Go My Way?
Morphine – Candy
Elvis Costello and the Brodsky Quartet – I Almost Had a Weakness
Radiohead – Creep