Political Discussion

He asks them what the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow is, but they insist that he clarify whether he means an African swallow or a European swallow, and he can’t answer.

I don’t know why I did this. My original intent was to make a dirty joke about the name Woodcock Johnson.

Ahh I see. Sometimes it feels like that when a kid gets something wrong.

And yes WJ is an unfortunate confluence of intellectuals around phallic nomenclature. ;)
Open Enrollment is coming up in a month and a half, and yet again it looks like our health insurance is drastically going down hill.

The last several years we saw our prices go up and our deductibles grow. Last year we stopped providing our own health insurance and got the group plan through our holding company, which was a shit plan compared to what we had before at the same rate we were paying the previously. They told us if we stayed with the plans and providing our own insurance our costs would have double. Could it really have been that bad?

For 2020 our holding company is ditching the PPO and HMO plans in favor of CDHP plans (Consumer-driven healthcare plans).

What does this mean? It means that if you don't use it you probably will save money. CDHP plans have no premiums. So you don't pay a premium each pay period. Then you typically have a HSA with it, but we apparently will still have FSA. Every routine medical service and prescription drugs you pay out of pocket / out of your savings plan.

CDHP plans have a very high deductible, but when that deductible is met it turns in to a PPO plan and you start paying premiums.

So say you reach your deductible or have a catastrophic medical event PPO coverage kicks in.

But it sounds like to me we will be paying a lot more out of pocket next year.

Being at today's (very large) rally in Downtown Los Angles was inspiring because it gave me hope that Gen Z may be willing to put time into ground level activism in a way that Millenials have often failed to do. And then I made the mistake of reading Fox New's coverage of the strikes and it reminded me what we are up against.

These photos help me focus on the positive. Some of the footage from Germany is straight up breathtaking.
The Establishment is out to get rid of AOC. And it's not Republicans that are her biggest threat, but other Democrats.

Terms in congress are only 2 years. And that means the time has some where people are announcing they are running against her. Normally her own party wouldn't run against someone in the seat and the opposition would only come from the other party. However, we have democrats running against her. One being Badrun Khan who announced she was running against AOC 3 days ago. Early poles show 47% favorable rating and 24% undecided. The campaign is running on "STOP The AOC". Badrun Khan represents the Establishment and not change, and could very well pose a real challenge for AOC.

Also, after the censes, New York could choose to eliminate AOC's district when they redraw district lines in 2020. This would result in AOC's seat being eliminated on Congress. If the 2020 census shows the need to reduce the number of districts the democrat parties most likely choose would be AOC's district as they fear her / don't want her to shake things up and change the establishment.

Also, I got this lovely email today in my inbox.

From: Badrun Khan
Subject line: help stop AOC


Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez’s agenda is dangerous and can damage the fabric of America.
Help us stop AOC by supporting and donating to a common sense Democrat ...
Badrun Khan for Congress
REAL SOLUTIONS – Not Empty Promises
A Real Democrat Who Believes in Democracy Free is not Free it costs you your Freedom to Live as you choose Government paid healthcare takes away YOUR choices The Government chooses what – and if - it will cover.


Badrun Khan announces Primary Challenge against AOC on Fox News


Contribution rules
  1. I am a U.S. citizen or lawfully admitted permanent resident (i.e., green card holder).
  2. This contribution is made from my own funds, and funds are not being provided to me by another person or entity for the purpose of making this contribution.
  3. I am making this contribution with my own personal credit card and not with a corporate or business credit card or a card issued to another person.
  4. I am at least eighteen (18) years old.
  5. I am not a federal contractor.
  6. This contribution may not exceed $2800.00 USD
Donate as little as $3 every donation makes a difference.

Check made payable to:

Badrun for Congress
42-06A Bell Blvd. - Ste 113
Bayside, NY 11361



Copyright © 2019 - Badrun Khan for Congress

I can't quite tell i this email is actually from Badrun Khan's campaign or if some right wing group sent it out to help oppose AOC, but I find it quite interesting they are targeting people outside of her district. I most certainly am not in it. Are they trying to capitalize on the fear of change across the country to fund her opposition? Or I wonder if they feel like they won't get much support fund raising against her in her own district.
Not usually very political but this type of take makes my blood boil:

Also the fact that it has 18k likes. Let’s just not make any progress in fixing the justice system. No, let’s just call everyone and their mother a bastard.
The Establishment is out to get rid of AOC. And it's not Republicans that are her biggest threat, but other Democrats.

Terms in congress are only 2 years. And that means the time has some where people are announcing they are running against her. Normally her own party wouldn't run against someone in the seat and the opposition would only come from the other party. However, we have democrats running against her. One being Badrun Khan who announced she was running against AOC 3 days ago. Early poles show 47% favorable rating and 24% undecided. The campaign is running on "STOP The AOC". Badrun Khan represents the Establishment and not change, and could very well pose a real challenge for AOC.

Also, after the censes, New York could choose to eliminate AOC's district when they redraw district lines in 2020. This would result in AOC's seat being eliminated on Congress. If the 2020 census shows the need to reduce the number of districts the democrat parties most likely choose would be AOC's district as they fear her / don't want her to shake things up and change the establishment.

Also, I got this lovely email today in my inbox.

I can't quite tell i this email is actually from Badrun Khan's campaign or if some right wing group sent it out to help oppose AOC, but I find it quite interesting they are targeting people outside of her district. I most certainly am not in it. Are they trying to capitalize on the fear of change across the country to fund her opposition? Or I wonder if they feel like they won't get much support fund raising against her in her own district.

The Republicans don’t want AOC to go anywhere. Donald Trump especially doesn’t want her to go anywhere. She and the rest of the squad are the best gift Dems ever gave the Republicans. The more Trump makes them the face of the Dem party, the better his chances of re-election are.
Normally her own party wouldn't run against someone in the seat and the opposition would only come from the other party.
Uh...you know how she got this seat, right? If you run, and win, on a platform that says running primaries against incumbents is right and good and necessary to keep politicians from feeling too safe, then that applies to you, too.

Now that said, Khan’s website is total clownshoes, and her first on-air interview was on Fox News.

Early poles show 47% favorable rating and 24% undecided.
Not a poll. This was a survey conducted BY the anti-AOC PAC, and notably, this was their methodology:
Canvassers for the anti-AOC group door knocked on over 5,400 Democratic households and interviewed 817 registered Dems. About two-thirds of respondents said they knew of the first-term congresswoman.

So, you have a group with an agenda, who interviewed 817 people from 5400 households, and of those 817, only about 540 even knew who AOC was. And then they were asked to complete a face-to-face survey full of agenda-driven questions (the PAC appears to be singularly focused on AOC’s role in the cancellation of the Amazon HQ plan). I think we should take those results with a giant grain of salt.
The Republicans don’t want AOC to go anywhere. Donald Trump especially doesn’t want her to go anywhere. She and the rest of the squad are the best gift Dems ever gave the Republicans. The more Trump makes them the face of the Dem party, the better his chances of re-election are.

They are also the best gift to Democracy this country has given us in a long while and a beacon of hope among my generation. The right wing is scared of her because they know there are more of her coming., and have engaged in full on propaganda mode to make a very smart, savvy and well thought out person come across as crazy.

They are also the best gift to Democracy this country has given us in a long while and a beacon of hope among my generation. The right wing is scared of her because they know there are more of her coming., and have engaged in full on propaganda mode to make a very smart, savvy and well thought out person come across as crazy.

Dude, I’m not trying to be disrespectfully dismissive, but that view is so divorced from reality it is legit lol funny.

Outside of the 8% of the population that considers themselves the progressive left, and has an outsized representation in the media, AOC is deeply disliked in the general public according to the polling from just about everyone. Making folks like her the face of the Dem party only helps the Republicans. The only people that are scared of AOC are the mainline Dems who understand that and are afraid that she’s going to tank the party. That’s why every time the D party leadership starts to get her in line, the Republicans attack her and force the Dems to rally around her. It’s also why they’re putting in so much work to try and either primary her or redistrict her out of office.

Also, nobody has to engage in propaganda to make her look crazy, they only amplify her remarks and let them do all the work on their own. Outside of the progressive metro hubs, us folks in flyover country know the little commie is crazier than a shithouse rat.
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the little commie is crazier than a shithouse rat.

No. Just no.

She is not a communist. She is a progressive. She is not crazy. She has different views than you.

You just can't discuss politics without being an asshole about it, can you? Yeah, I sure did cuss. I've tried many times with you and you still just come out swinging. If you can't be civil and not name call, why should i try anymore?

And luckily those progressive hubs are paying attention to the mess the flyover states have gotten us into. See: all the kids showing up this weekend to rightfully shame us adults for leaving them a broken planet. That's her (and the squad's) base and they are sick of the nonsense.
As soon as a person conflates socialism with communism they immediately expose themselves and their opinions as uneducated and invalid. Frankly, it's a cowardly take because every time someone points out that nothing in socialist principle calls for autocratic regimes they have no comeback. They just keep screaming into the internet about commies. Treating it like it's a valid opinion is just as damaging as allowing creationism to be taught in public schools. It's a tactic meant to legitimize a pro-Christian capitalist agenda. Creationism isn't possible and Communism uses social ideals to control people just as the supposedly "free market" does. Both forms of government create gross-inequity that is used to control and subjugate the people that live under those systems.
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No. Just no.

She is not a communist. She is a progressive. She is not crazy. She has different views than you.

You just can't discuss politics without being an asshole about it, can you? Yeah, I sure did cuss. I've tried many times with you and you still just come out swinging. If you can't be civil and not name call, why should i try anymore?

And luckily those progressive hubs are paying attention to the mess the flyover states have gotten us into. See: all the kids showing up this weekend to rightfully shame us adults for leaving them a broken planet. That's her (and the squad's) base and they are sick of the nonsense.
I am what I am and I have never pretended to be anything else.

Edited to add: for the record, I really hope the Dems fail to primary or redistrict her out of office.
As soon as a person conflates socialism with communism they immediately expose themselves and their opinions as uneducated and invalid. Frankly, it's a cowardly take because every time someone points out that nothing in socialist principle calls for autocratic regimes they have no comeback. Because facts Treating it like it's a valid opinion is just as damaging as allowing creationism to be taught in public schools. It's a tactic meant to legitimize a pro-Christian capitalist agenda. Creationism isn't possible and Communism uses social ideals to control people just as the supposedly "free market" does. Both forms of government create gross-inequity that is used to control and subjugate the people that live under those systems.

Communism and socialism get conflated because the end results are functionally the same. The destruction of economic and personal liberty. Murdering someone may not be just the same as causing someone’s death through negligence, but it doesn’t make a damn bit a difference to the deceased.
As soon as a person conflates socialism with communism they immediately expose themselves and their opinions as uneducated and invalid. Frankly, it's a cowardly take because every time someone points out that nothing in socialist principle calls for autocratic regimes they have no comeback. They just keep screaming into the internet about commies. Treating it like it's a valid opinion is just as damaging as allowing creationism to be taught in public schools. It's a tactic meant to legitimize a pro-Christian capitalist agenda. Creationism isn't possible and Communism uses social ideals to control people just as the supposedly "free market" does. Both forms of government create gross-inequity that is used to control and subjugate the people that live under those systems.
Hmm but I looked at his avatar and based on that it seems like he’s got a very learned and nuanced understanding of history & economics.
Dude, I’m not trying to be disrespectfully dismissive, but that view is so divorced from reality it is legit lol funny.

+ Words +

Also, nobody has to engage in propaganda to make her look crazy, they only amplify her remarks and let them do all the work on their own. Outside of the progressive metro hubs, us folks in flyover country know the little commie is crazier than a shithouse rat.

You do this all the time but... it's not a flyover versus city dynamic. It's a generational dynamic. As Teeee pointed out- her base is the people that were out in the streets this weekend over climate change. Educated people under 40. It just so happens that a shit ton of people under 40 are concentrated in cities because that's where the high paying jobs are. Of course, the downside is that rent in those cities has sky rocketed and rural parts of places like Ohio have gone red because so many of the youth have abandoned their home state and moved to places like Colorado (which has the strongest economy in the US). Meanwhile, CO (my home state) has gone from deeply red, to purple to safely blue because of that same under 40 demographic. We also just elected the most progressive Governor in the country because of it.

A good illustration of her popularity among people under 40 is the r/politics thead on Reddit. Articles with a positive slant on her get voted to the top of r/politics with regularity and are full of love for her while negative comments about her get down-voted into oblivion. Ditto for anything related to the Green New Deal, Bernie Sanders (though he does receive some haters from the Clinton crowd) and Elizabeth Warren. Meanwhile, pro-Biden content gets down voted so heavily that it winds up stuck sorted under controversial (the same is often true of Pelosi). You know what Reddits core demographic is? White men under 40. Not minorities or women. White men (under 40).

And yes, the right is fully engaged in propaganda. For the example, they took the hour long interview I posted above and then took all the like and uh type pauses out of it and turned it into a string out. A thoughtful, nuanced interview was turned into LOOK HOW DUMB AOC IS because she pauses while speaking. In another case, they took a live stream and glitch edited it and put words into her mouth so as to make it appear that she doesn't know how government works. Fox has a hyper-fixation on her too. Unpolished (because she didn't come out of a political machine the way most of these career types do) is not the same as stupid. Whenever she does slip up or stumble over her words, the right is sitting there turning into an out-of-context viral video- even though she almost always corrects herself in the following sentence.

And that right-wing fixation ABSOLUTELY derives out of fear of her agenda and the idea that more like her might follow. Unfortunately their war to make her look crazy appears to be working on uneducated, older whites. I actually agree that she has become an effective conduit for hate and fear from the right. But again, it's mostly generational and education-level related.

Also, I don't know where you got that 8% progressive figure but its complete horseshit. It's more like 25% and growing. 70% of people under 35 consider themselves liberal and 40% of that 70% consider themselves independents because they are to the left of the Democratic establishment. And that's just people 18-35.
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Dude, I’m not trying to be disrespectfully dismissive, but that view is so divorced from reality it is legit lol funny.

Outside of the 8% of the population that considers themselves the progressive left, and has an outsized representation in the media, AOC is deeply disliked in the general public according to the polling from just about everyone. Making folks like her the face of the Dem party only helps the Republicans. The only people that are scared of AOC are the mainline Dems who understand that and are afraid that she’s going to tank the party. That’s why every time the D party leadership starts to get her in line, the Republicans attack her and force the Dems to rally around her. It’s also why they’re putting in so much work to try and either primary her or redistrict her out of office.

Also, nobody has to engage in propaganda to make her look crazy, they only amplify her remarks and let them do all the work on their own. Outside of the progressive metro hubs, us folks in flyover country know the little commie is crazier than a shithouse rat.

She is really really a long way from communist, if she’s a communist then most a democratic Europe is farther left than communism, god knows what Scandinavia is and actual real communists, that we really should be scared of, get ignored because we dress the centre left as extremists in a way that they really aren’t.
Also, I don't know where you got that 8% progressive figure but its complete horseshit. It's more like 25% and growing. 70% of people under 35 consider themselves liberal and 40% of that 70% consider themselves independents because they are to the left of the Democratic establishment. And that's just people 18-35.
Unlike you, I didn’t pull numbers out of my ass.


Lumping people into political categories isn't useful. It's a tactic. It's used to divide people by age, location, and the amount of money they have. It's used to sell news and get "unthinking-tank" grant dollars. It's often combined with other bullshit categories like sex, orientation, race, and religion. All of it is used to get people to vote for people who have no affiliation with their everyday reality and often times for people genuinely set on keeping them poor, unhappy, and unsuccessful.

Conversations about political affiliations are only useful if you want to divide people up into some theoretical right and wrong so people can feel good about themselves. Look - how right I am - I'm very smart. See these other people are dumb because I said so. Someone on the internet pointed out how these two things that are not the same are actually kind-of the same. Did you see Ancient Aliens this week? I'm a thinker. Look how smart I am.

It's a pointless endeavor perpetuating failed systems and failed thinking. It's not a productive conversation. It's also why political events look like tailgate parties. Once the body paint comes out the ability to get something done has exponentially declined. You might as well be getting mustard on your shirt at an NFL game.
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