Hot Take/ Musical Confession Thread!

I was gonna say - appropriate since he is a garbage human being. Complete garbage.

Believe me you only see the spoiled cage fighter wank. He’s right in with all the worst organized criminals in Dublin, in and out their haunts. He was in a pub here doing a promo for his whiskey recently and he literally beat the shit out of some old barfly for refusing to try it.
Believe me you only see the spoiled cage fighter wank. He’s right in with all the worst organized criminals in Dublin, in and out their haunts. He was in a pub here doing a promo for his whiskey recently and he literally beat the shit out of some old barfly for refusing to try it.
I've heard stories - he's beat the shit outta his partner (maybe she is his wife?), he's homophobic, he is just a complete ass.
I had an ex with New England friends as I had to literally bite my tongue to not tell them to fuck off for shit talking blue collar workers

I was at Thanksgiving dinner at my sister's house right after the election. She is involved in the Film industry. There was this drunk actress there that was married to one her friends. She was obnoxious, her voice, opinions, every thing. She starting spouting off about Trump and said, " I don't know why the people in the mid west are so worried about I've been unemployed." I called her on her BS. I also caught her badmouthing her husband over the phone to a friend while she was taking a piss. She didn't know I was in the room watching my son while he slept. What a way to spend your son's first birthday.
Just caught up on this thread - how is there a discussion about the best melon and no one mentions honeydew? It's a miracle of the natural world.

- Pet Sounds > any Beatles album
- Backstreet Boys >> *NSYNC >> solo Justin Timberlake
- lyrics are overrated

and one non-musical hot take:
- meat pies >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sweet pies