The VPI Turntable Thread

Remind me, please, of your record cleaning regimen.
I use an Okki Nokki, full wash with Cristo with one felt brush, then full rinse with another brush. I've cleaned the same records after on ultrasonics and heard no difference in quality so while I don't think my regimen is as good as something like a Degritter or Audio Desk, I think it's pretty solid for a cheap RCM.
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Most of the discs where I can hear clear IGD are vintage 40+ year old pressings where I suspect the disc may have been damaged over time by the previous owners setup or simply weren't pressed all that well in the first place. This is also across different carts and different tables so it's not a setup thing, it's possible a ultrasonic could do something for some of them but I suspect not for most. I'd love to hear it anyone can play my 1974 Japanese Revolver Apple pressing without She Said She Said sounding like a fuzzy mess, but I doubt it.
Most of the discs where I can hear clear IGD are vintage 40+ year old pressings where I suspect the disc may have been damaged over time by the previous owners setup or simply weren't pressed all that well in the first place. This is also across different carts and different tables so it's not a setup thing, it's possible a ultrasonic could do something for some of them but I suspect not for most. I'd love to hear it anyone can play my 1974 Japanese Revolver Apple pressing without She Said She Said sounding like a fuzzy mess, but I doubt it.
Would be interesting to know if that distortion would be present if played on a linear tracking turntable.
Yeah agreed, thankfully I've never seen or heard one so WE'LL NEVER KNOW.
Bergmann Audio Magne


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Bergmann Audio Magne

View attachment 193497

200w (2).gif
Okay so I got the new 180 gram weight so that I can get the effective mass/compliance to it's sweet spot with the heavier cart. Only thing is now I REALLY have to dial this weight WAY back on the arm to get the tracking force right. You guys see any issue having the weight this far back on the arm? Should I just stuff the compliance/effective mass calculator and use the lighter screws?
What is the weight of the Paua?
It's 12.2 grams. But it's the 6.2 gram brass EZ Mount screws that are the reason for the larger counterweight. According to the effective mass calculator it's better to have the heavier screws with this cart and arm, but means the Counterweight REALLY has to get dialed back.
It's 12.2 grams. But it's the 6.2 gram brass EZ Mount screws that are the reason for the larger counterweight. According to the effective mass calculator it's better to have the heavier screws with this cart and arm, but means the Counterweight REALLY has to get dialed back.

Once it is safely and firmly attached it is absolutely no issue how far backward or forward it sits.
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