Pre-Order Thread


10. Away from the World - alien people stuck in boxes not for me
9. Stand Up - the design is now used as a logo for the band but back then it felt like it was crafted in Microsoft Works
8. Big Whiskey - a lot going on here, feels more like a poster for an upcoming circus than an album for a band
7. Everyday - the only cover to feature the band members, very 2001 vibes here
6. Busted Stuff - not bad, feels like something created in the 90s, but this is from 2002
5. Walk Around the Moon - some interesting ideas concepts, though Dave probably couldn't tell you what those concepts even are
4. Come Tomorow - i like the layout here, feels like a children's storybook but with a darker ending
3. Crash - timeless album, only knock here is this feels like a "CD cover"
2. Under the Table and Dreaming - another timeless one, only knock here is the font choice but it kinda fits
1. Before These Crowded Streets - reminds me of the SNL opening credits, but feels timeless in a way

