Vinyl Me Please Classics

Yeah, this is what I was asking, not the spreadsheet.
If this is where they're going to share the clues from now on that sucks. Used to be able to check the store drop email or twitter. Don't make me sign up for something new.

Posted. Sorry, I wasn't trying to gatekeeper, just trying to be respectful of folk's wishes.

Yeah, I find Discord hard to navigate when it gets busy, but it appears Storf and Pauly like it as they are both fairly active on there.
Yeah, this is what I was asking, not the spreadsheet.
If this is where they're going to share the clues from now on that sucks. Used to be able to check the store drop email or twitter. Don't make me sign up for something new.
Oh no they're def going to publish the official clues. The spreadsheet is a collection of guesses that have been made, nothing official
Posted. Sorry, I wasn't trying to gatekeeper, just trying to be respectful of folk's wishes.

Yeah, I find Discord hard to navigate when it gets busy, but it appears Storf and Pauly like it as they are both fairly active on there.

My conspiracy theory is that they both at the very least lurk here. Wouldn't be surprised if one or both also frequently post. For instance has anyone seen @Mather and Pauly in the same room together before? 🤔🤔
My conspiracy theory is that they both at the very least lurk here. Wouldn't be surprised if one or both also frequently post. For instance has anyone seen @Mather and Pauly in the same room together before? 🤔🤔

It's at least possible. I see no harm in it. From my (few) interactions with them on the discord, they're just music nerd dudes that like their jobs and are trying to do right and not be dicks. Many of the decisions at vmp that are largely unpopular (prices, record choices, using GZ, etc) are either not in their hands or have been made through a weird calculus they have to go through ("we can't get record a, but we can get b, c, d, f and j. e and g only in next qurter, h and i but we have to charge such and such").

I think they -- well, storf particularly, i don't really see anyone hating on pauly -- gets a lot of undeserved shit and who wants to deal with that at their job? like no 3LP as track picks is because the cost means they'd lose money if like an essentials pick was 3LP. so anything like that has to be a store drop and has to be extra $$.

aside: when the discord was set up, storf had a lurker account because (I'm paraphrasing and working from memory) he didn't want the same shitshow that reddit was. when he saw it was a more chillplace, he created a "real" account and has been using that since.
It's at least possible. I see no harm in it. From my (few) interactions with them on the discord, they're just music nerd dudes that like their jobs and are trying to do right and not be dicks. Many of the decisions at vmp that are largely unpopular (prices, record choices etc) are either not in their hands or have been made through a weird calculus they have to go through ("we can't get record a, but we can get b, c, d, f and j. e and g only in next qurter, h and i but we have to charge such and such").

I think they -- well, storf particularly, i don't really see anyone hating on pauly -- gets a lot of undeserved shit and who wants to deal with that at their job? like no 3LP as track picks is because the cost means they'd lose money if like an essentials pick was 3LP. so anything like that has to be a store drop and has to be extra $$.

aside: when the discord was set up, storf had a lurker account because (I'm paraphrasing and working from memory) he didn't want the same shitshow that reddit was. when he saw it was a more chillplace, he created a "real" account and has been using that since.
Paulie is a saint, the amount of crap he's had to put up with over the years is insane.
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It's at least possible. I see no harm in it. From my (few) interactions with them on the discord, they're just music nerd dudes that like their jobs and are trying to do right and not be dicks. Many of the decisions at vmp that are largely unpopular (prices, record choices, using GZ, etc) are either not in their hands or have been made through a weird calculus they have to go through ("we can't get record a, but we can get b, c, d, f and j. e and g only in next qurter, h and i but we have to charge such and such").

I think they -- well, storf particularly, i don't really see anyone hating on pauly -- gets a lot of undeserved shit and who wants to deal with that at their job? like no 3LP as track picks is because the cost means they'd lose money if like an essentials pick was 3LP. so anything like that has to be a store drop and has to be extra $$.

aside: when the discord was set up, storf had a lurker account because (I'm paraphrasing and working from memory) he didn't want the same shitshow that reddit was. when he saw it was a more chillplace, he created a "real" account and has been using that since.

I have 0 issue with either of them. I think they're both good dudes and I enjoy any time I talk with them
It's at least possible. I see no harm in it. From my (few) interactions with them on the discord, they're just music nerd dudes that like their jobs and are trying to do right and not be dicks. Many of the decisions at vmp that are largely unpopular (prices, record choices, using GZ, etc) are either not in their hands or have been made through a weird calculus they have to go through ("we can't get record a, but we can get b, c, d, f and j. e and g only in next qurter, h and i but we have to charge such and such").

I think they -- well, storf particularly, i don't really see anyone hating on pauly -- gets a lot of undeserved shit and who wants to deal with that at their job? like no 3LP as track picks is because the cost means they'd lose money if like an essentials pick was 3LP. so anything like that has to be a store drop and has to be extra $$.

aside: when the discord was set up, storf had a lurker account because (I'm paraphrasing and working from memory) he didn't want the same shitshow that reddit was. when he saw it was a more chillplace, he created a "real" account and has been using that since.

Paulie was always sound and helpful. Storf, well let’s hard agree to disagree, he always rubbed me up the wrong way with pretty much everything he said or did. In fairness it was mutual…
Paulie was always sound and helpful. Storf, well let’s hard agree to disagree, he always rubbed me up the wrong way with pretty much everything he said or did. In fairness it was mutual…

I was around on Reddit for the last little bit before Storf left and I generally found him to be a bit smug and off-putting, but the level of vitriol hurled his way far exceeded reasonable as well. I've no problem taking a piss out of him from time to time but have no need or time outright hatred and nastiness. I definitely cannot stand his writing - but that doesn't mean I write him off entirely as a person. I'm glad for him it sounds like Discord is working out better for him. Given his role with the company, it's better to have him engaging than not - even if he does get pedantic (and wrong!) about it at times.
I was around on Reddit for the last little bit before Storf left and I generally found him to be a bit smug and off-putting, but the level of vitriol hurled his way far exceeded reasonable as well. I've no problem taking a piss out of him from time to time but have no need or time outright hatred and nastiness. I definitely cannot stand his writing - but that doesn't mean I write him off entirely as a person. I'm glad for him it sounds like Discord is working out better for him. Given his role with the company, it's better to have him engaging than not - even if he does get pedantic (and wrong!) about it at times.

Yeah on the old forum I just didn’t see eye to eye with him and he definitely did not get me at all lol. Plus let’s just say his curation and writing is, for me, very poor.

That’s fine, people don’t always get on, I’m just not going to be going around throwing any compliments his way!
Storf is good people even if he does have a speaker made out of a doobie brothers record.
Yeah, but does he use the bespoke James Brand x VMP special record opening knife that’s revolutionized opening records, a seemingly simple act that, as any self respecting collector must now admit, had been done poorly and without panache many millions of times over decades by unwitting rube consumers ignorant of the proper tool needed to open a record.

That thing sold out!!! Wtf!?!?