Needles & Grooves AoTM /// Vol. 2 - August 2019 /// Khemmis - Hunted

Hey, another shield song!🥳

And another album produced by Kurt. 🤬

I was excited when I thought this meant the mastodon albums were gone because there was no connection

But then I find fallen torches and a consequence of sound article mentioning both of them
Dropped by a record store today to pick up last month's AOTM which they had. I looked in the metal section under K but no Khemmis. I mentioned this fact and the owner said one had just come in 2 hours earlier. Sure enough it was standard black Hunted in NM condition (actually, the vinyl looked unplayed). Walked out $35 lighter and 2 records heavier.
I’d also like to recommend the album Ashen Blood by Green Druid. Really dug this last year when I found it in the metal thread.

This song was one of my favorites of it. There’s some added intro that’s not in the actual album, please excuse that—

This was my favorite doom release of 2018.
Was not familiar with Green Druids but based on the recommendation I downloaded the LP to listen to while doing yard work and you weren’t kiddin’ this record is great. After I mowed I decided I needed a copy on vinyl but it seemed to be sold out at both the bands Bandcamp and the label. The Green variant was a bit too pricey on discogs (cheapest copy was over $50) their was one black copy on discogs that was listed for $24 but I would have still had to pay shipping so I was on the fence. I took a flyer and checked my local shops online store and Lo & behold they had a copy for $24!... so a quick scooter ride later and BOOM!...
Thanks for the recommendation!
Was not familiar with Green Druids but based on the recommendation I downloaded the LP to listen to while doing yard work and you weren’t kiddin’ this record is great. After I mowed I decided I needed a copy on vinyl but it seemed to be sold out at both the bands Bandcamp and the label. The Green variant was a bit too pricey on discogs (cheapest copy was over $50) their was one black copy on discogs that was listed for $24 but I would have still had to pay shipping so I was on the fence. I took a flyer and checked my local shops online store and Lo & behold they had a copy for $24!... so a quick scooter ride later and BOOM!...
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Thanks for the recommendation!

Really happy you dig it too! Enjoy!
IF it’s Khemmis, I hope we get an AMA. One, because the lead singer has a doctorate and is totally fine being referred to as Doctor Doom. And second, I really wanna know why they named the band after a ghost town in Egypt.

Although an Egyptian ghost town DOES sound metal AF....maybe I just answered my own question...
IF it’s Khemmis, I hope we get an AMA. One, because the lead singer has a doctorate and is totally fine being referred to as Doctor Doom. And second, I really wanna know why they named the band after a ghost town in Egypt.

Although an Egyptian ghost town DOES sound metal AF....maybe I just answered my own question...
i hope we get an AMA

i know with mine we probably wont but its always good to dream
IF it’s Khemmis, I hope we get an AMA. One, because the lead singer has a doctorate and is totally fine being referred to as Doctor Doom. And second, I really wanna know why they named the band after a ghost town in Egypt.

Although an Egyptian ghost town DOES sound metal AF....maybe I just answered my own question...

AMA for dumb old me probably won’t be very enlightening for my pick this month.

I’m happy to do it, however, and shed all the light I can as to why I made the pick and give background from what I know about the band.
AMA for dumb old me probably won’t be very enlightening for my pick this month.

I’m happy to do it, however, and shed all the light I can as to why I made the pick and give background from what I know about the band.

We'll be very glad to get your listening notes, but I think the hope would be to have members of the band to come and do an AMA like Mark de Clive-Lowe did for Skalap's pick of Heritage.
We'll be very glad to get your listening notes, but I think the hope would be to have members of the band to come and do an AMA like Mark de Clive-Lowe did for Skalap's pick of Heritage.

I'll do my best to get Matt Pike on the horn.

Just kidding.

I meant Brent Hinds... Ooops.

Just kidding.

Or am I?
So finally listened to most of Hunted today seeing as it is the forerunner of the choices, and also because I received my digital copy after purchasing the album from 20 Buck Shot.

Didn’t even realize the “growl vocals,” I feel weird calling them this but some of you seem to have settled on this description for them, were even a part of this album.

However they seem to be tastefully done given the subject matter, so perhaps this will be an entry way into more “growl vocal” metal. I know this is a terrible way to describe it, hoping some of you aren’t cringing behind your screens. Since that’s always been the hardest part for me to digest.

Sort of like Thou, musically I dig what they are doing it’s just when those slithering serpentine vocals come in I just can’t continue. I tried Magus so many times, at least 7-10, when VMP announced it around the time my metal bubble was expanding.