The fact that in this day and age, you can watch episode 3 and then go into this show makes me so jealous.

There are points where it feels like it drags but for the most part, I enjoyed it. This could totally be condensed into a feature, but I'll take what I can get.
It was a Ok finale. Does anyone see where they could do a Season 2 of Obi Wan ? For me it was a bit finite. Does he come out of the cave every few or 20 years ?
Well that was really rather good altogether. That’s the first Star Wars thing I’ve enjoyed in a long long while.

They do another series I hope the introduce and properly develop some side characters because the only criticism I’d have would be that it’s a little lacking in jeopardy because we know the big guys make it to Star Wars.
Enjoyed Obi-Wan. Binged the last three episodes yesterday.

I was expecting to see Qui-Gon earlier, when Obi-Wan was trapped in the rubble. But glad to see him nonetheless. And the Jedi tomb was pretty cool as well, although I don't know my 'extended' universe so I didn't know who anyone was. Although I thought the first one was Jar Jar for a minute.
Enjoyed Obi-Wan. Binged the last three episodes yesterday.

I was expecting to see Qui-Gon earlier, when Obi-Wan was trapped in the rubble. But glad to see him nonetheless. And the Jedi tomb was pretty cool as well, although I don't know my 'extended' universe so I didn't know who anyone was. Although I thought the first one was Jar Jar for a minute.

Thought Obi-Wan was fine. Plot was non-sensical and canon busting, but...I thought Ewan McGregor was good, and the big fights were fun. 🤷‍♂️. It's always fun to see stuff back in this universe, but for me, after the Original 3, the only two I've thought were actually good were Rogue One and Season 1 of The Mandalorian.

The first Jedi in the Tomb (who kinda looks like Jar Jar) was Tera Sinube from The Clone Wars.
So halfway through falling star and terrified how this is going to end. It really adds tension that none of the character stories are pre-determined by later stories
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So halfway through falling star and terrified how this is going to end. It really adds tension that none of the character stories are pre-determined by later stories
This was why Rebels was great. Yes, you know what's going to happen in the OT but all new characters where their fates are not yet known is so much better, in my opinion, than prequels for existing characters. It's why I really look forward to The Acolyte and the new High Republic show with Jude Law.
It really adds tension that none of the character stories are pre-determined by later stories
This is why The High Republic is so great, and why the rest of the canon novels are mediocre at best. There's no room for the authors to make any meaningful decisions like they could pre-Disney, as everyones outcomes are all pre-determined. And then when they do show meaningful events, like in the Ahsoka novel or the Kanaan miniseries, they're just overruled whenever a disney+ show decides to do something diffrent.

Honestly I feel Rebels had the same problem. Spoilers for the series finale below
You can't have the Rebel alliance having another Jedi like Ezra in their ranks, or that changes the whole dynamic of the OT. Same with the Empire having a strategist like Thrawn, if he was around you'd leave a big plot hole "why didn't Vader have Thrawn in his strategic meetings" yada yada. The whole final season I'm waiting for them to find a way to take these 2 characters out of the story, and then boom, they do so. I will say I wasn't expecting mass travel via force space-whales, so that was cool, but it still ends up in a very predictable place.

And don't get me started on The World Between Worlds.....personally I feel we'd be better off in a world without Rebels.
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Finished Phase 1 of the high republic and is well worth it. It's really telling a great story and leaves many things open in the end that I hope phase 3 resolves. Little sad that phase 2 is not the direct sequel cause I really want to know how the story continues. On the other hand going back 150 more years to a time of less known worlds and more exploring of (then) unknown worlds sounds intriguing
Finished Kenobi last night. Watched in bits over a period of time.

I enjoyed it. It has all of the strengths and weaknesses of all the modern Star Wars stuff: looks great, tells a decent story, but is held back by a focus on lore, canon, and fan service.

I hope we see a second phase of Star Wars shows, where the show runners remember they are in a universe, and tell stories that haven’t been told.

Just got notice that Star Wars Insider: The High Republic: Starlight Stories has been pushed back again - to December 13th now. Dang.
Looks like we're getting a High Republic YA novel boxset


Highly recomend anyone with an interest in Star Wars and Sci Fi literature pick this up (If you haven't read the High Republic yet). Great, great price for some of the best material from the project.
Thanks to my library and the internet, I'm just a couple of miniseries TPBs away from having caught up on the entirety of Marvel's canon output since regaining the Star Wars license. Some of it is really really good and a solid chunk of it is okay-good. I was just reading the first two TPBs of the current core title and got quite a kick out of Charles Soule dropping High Republic tidbits into the classic timeline. Certainly makes sense with him writing in both eras.