Vinyl Me Please Essentials

Anyone else remember when VMP sent out e-mails leaking that St. Vincent was the ROTM?
And now a St. Vincent produced album is a VMP leak?

It CAN'T be just me who picked up on this...

HOT TAKE: I think Call The Doctor and The Hot Rock are wayyyyyyyyy superior to Dig Me Out. DMO has, maybe, four songs I return to, but CTD and tHR I can listen to from start-to-finish all day.
The Hot Rock is awesome! I think that run of The Hot Rock, All Hands On The Bad One, and One Beat is quite underrated.
Anyone else remember when VMP sent out e-mails leaking that St. Vincent was the ROTM?
And now a St. Vincent produced album is a VMP leak?

It CAN'T be just me who picked up on this...

HOT TAKE: I think Call The Doctor and The Hot Rock are wayyyyyyyyy superior to Dig Me Out. DMO has, maybe, four songs I return to, but CTD and tHR I can listen to from start-to-finish all day.

I hear you on THR, that album is right up there. I need to listen to CTD more, though. I’ve never actually owned that one on any format.

We haven’t mentioned One Beat yet, either. Holy hell they’ve had a phenomenal run of albums.
I think I bought The Hot Rock blindly at a Fred Meyer only because I had heard the band’s name before and had ten bucks burning a hole in my pocket. I have the Sleater-Kinney vinyl box set now but I still think THR is my favorite record of theirs because it takes me right back to 1999 when I put that CD in my car not knowing what to expect to hear and immediately loving the intro to “Start Together.”

Hey now...Corin was born in Oregon, and moved from Olympia to Portland in '96. Janet has lived in Portland since '89, and Carrie moved here in 2001 (though has been spending time in L.A. in recent years, for obvious reasons).

Here is your consolation prize:

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I've heard Sleater Kinney before but I've never been much into them, I have Le Tigre and Bikini Kill albums and somehow don't have a single Kinney album which is dumb and I probably should but HOW DID I NOT KNOW THAT THE LEAD SINGER IS THE LEAD ACTRESS IN PORTLANDIA

I am a fool.

Corin is actually the lead singer, though Carrie (Portlandia) does sing lead vocals on a number of their songs.

No worries, a lot of moving parts with these ladies. Corin also plays in the band Filthy Friends with Peter Buck (R.E.M.) and Scott McCaughey (Minus 5). Janet is one of the best drummers on the planet, has played in Stephen Malkmus' band, and for years has been in a band with her ex-husband Sam Coomes (played in Heatmiser with Elliott Smith, and many other bands). The latter band is Quasi, and if you have never heard 'Featuring "Birds"' I highly recommend you drop everything and spend the next 47 minutes listening to it front to back. One of my all-time favorites.
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Well I have to say Phoenix is a much better sounding release than I expected. The music sounds significantly different to the CD master I’ve heard for the last decade, more dynamic less limited and just airier. The drums in particular have that pre-loudness war sound which is amazing for a beat driven album.

Whatever the exact lineage of this tape is, it certainly preceded the digital master itself because it doesn’t really bear that sonic signature. I dug a little in to the producer / engineer Philipe Zdar, and he’s a bit of an analog nut but one that uses digital recordings occasionally. Couldnt find too much in this album, but from the breakdowns of his other work I would assume there’s some mixed recording sources but the final mix was done down to tape. I wonder how many more indie albums from this period could be revitalized this way?
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Hey now...Corin was born in Oregon, and moved from Olympia to Portland in '96. Janet has lived in Portland since '89, and Carrie moved here in 2001 (though has been spending time in L.A. in recent years, for obvious reasons).

Here is your consolation prize:

I respectfully standby my pffft. The Oly music scene success rate (per capita) is outstanding but people alway (usually unknowingly or out of convenience) consign lots of the those bands to other city’s (Seattle, Portland, etc...). The successful ones do usually move onward and upward to larger communities but it’s nice that so many got their start in Olympia. I am an Illinois transplant that has called Tacoma home for the past 5 years and am still amazed at how many great bands have come out of the tiny community.
I respectfully standby my pffft. The Oly music scene success rate (per capita) is outstanding but people alway (usually unknowingly or out of convenience) consign lots of the those bands to other city’s (Seattle, Portland, etc...). The successful ones do usually move onward and upward to larger communities but it’s nice that so many got their start in Olympia. I am an Illinois transplant that has called Tacoma home for the past 5 years and am still amazed at how many great bands have come out of the tiny community.

Olympia has a great music scene, and a rich history...that said, no need to pfft Oregon, given how much of the band’s history is tied to this place. Why not celebrate both?
Olympia has a great music scene, and a rich history...that said, no need to pfft Oregon, given how much of the band’s history is tied to this place. Why not celebrate both?
LOL! Cuz I wanna be a salty bitch. TBH, I would only “pffft” Oregon in relation to WA. Oregon is a fine place to visit. That being said, If St. Louis starts getting credit for Wilco I may hafta start dropping some caps locked PFFFFT’s
I'm sorry. I didn't anything by it.
Nah, you are 100% all good. it was more of a joke than anything. See, there’s a bit of a baked in rivalry between the two states. Regardless, I think we can all agree that California is the worst, ammiright!? [I might have to start including j/k’s].