Wharfedale Linton 85th Anniversary Review

In hindsight making my entire rig stark white was a very poor decision. I can't change a damned thing or it'll be noticed within seconds...

True but it does make a great aesthetic backdrop that would take pretty much any other style look right when put against it. You could go for Linton-esque speakers and it’d be mid century modern and you could just go super modern and it’d also look great. Just avoid the ones that look like a badly stacked pile of electric blue boxes and that cost multiple years salary...
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Considering your job and handle, I do hereby dub thee, boozy night tvham as "The Evening News". Now go forth and make many ill advised purchases which you will regret in the morning... because "The Evening News", you've earned it.
Sorry, I just need to grab my jazz flute...
Man does that come very close to unintentional satire at points!
I've watched his channel on and off, he tends to deal more with the truly high-end. My biggest problem with a lot of the channels like this, is that they sometimes just can't bring themselves to just acknowledge something is good since it's not in the "lofty" categories they usually tread in. The truth, in my opinion, is that the Linton's have caused a buzz and he felt the needed to do something, again, in some of his comments he's not wrong, but he's also not really endorsing the Linton's completely. He seemed to have them inter-twined with mini reviews of what's feeding the Linton's than the speakers themselves.

I still contend that you need to take everything with a grain of salt, the more opinions you get from "Like minded" people the better, but like minded doesn't only fall into personal sound preferences, it also falls into "gear pools". Someone with an Orbit running the on board amp isn't going to hear the same thing I am, not that what they hear is going to be bad, it's just not going to be the same.