September 2020 Challenge Thread- The Gav-La’s

Day 6: “Box Set Weekend pt 2”...and tomorrow ..choose another if you made a bad choice yesterday.

I don't think we've seen any bootleg action yet, so....

The Doors - The Complete Stockholm '68 Tapes

What everyone gets all worked up over nowadays with FOMO tremors, premium pricing and such, the bootleggers used to sell at record shows for $15.

Hayley Williams - Petals for Armor
Didn't really think of this as being boxset but I suppose it is. This is essentially 3 EPs in one set, that make up the whole of Hayley Williams's fantastic overlooked solo album Petals for Armor. She released it in three separate parts initially, so this packaging is probably the most accurate reflection of how she intended it to be listened to and personally I'm glad I splurged for it. This album grows on me more and more, and I like how each part almost acts as a different chapter in a story, you can tell there was a lot of thought put into arranging each part to be it's own mini-experience. I love this album and it's fun to own physical copies of each individual EP, definitely a cool set.
Day 5: “Box Set Weekend pt 1” - Pick one of those big box sets we never get round to playing and finally play stuff from it today....

Status Quo “From the Makers of..” 1982 -
3 album set

And I actually played all 3 lp’s back to back for probably the first time ever ...#happywife🙉
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Day 6 - Box set pt 2
Dexter Gordon - Dexter Calling
From the VMP Blue Note Anthology. When VMP's history is written, I think this beast will be seen as the start of the decline. Their first big ticket item. They sold out fast and VMP got greedy. With various logistic issues that were being voiced loudly in the old VMP forum, I see that as the reason for killing the forum. Its a straight line to the albatross that is the Dead Anthology.

All issues aside, I am glad I bought this set. It started my deep dive in jazz in general and Blue Note in particular. All the records sound great.

Day 4: “And now for something completely different..” ..any Record you like but with a piece of music related memorabilia to accompany it ...a gig ticket, book, t shirt , poster, funkopops.. what’s lurking out there ..autographs? Elvis’s Cadillac..yellow submarine ....

Kishi Bashi ‎– Omoiyari (Joyful Noise Recordings, 2019 White Vinyl Pressing)

I was lucky enough to see Kishi Bashi at a tiny little venue in London last year (remember when live gigs were a thing??). I was at the front and as he was walking off the stage to walk into the crowd (to play his encore), he motioned for me to stand on the stage to get a better view and high fived me. After the gig everyone was leaving and Kishi came out from the side door, gave me a set list and signed it, before calling over Tall Tall Trees (his warm-up) and Emily Hope Price and they signed it to. Very surreal. I keep that set list, with the ticket, in the outersleeve as a memento.
