Political Discussion

The stock market is finally surging today after more than a week of steep decline over coronavirus fears.

Todays surge is attributed to Joe Biden's results in the Super Tuesday election. As one financial expert says "Wall Street wants Trump, but if it's a Democrat who wins the election Joe Biden is not all that bad."

It really scares me when they refer to Joe Biden as "not all that bad". Really goes to show that his interest are with Wall Street and not America.
The stock market is finally surging today after more than a week of steep decline over coronavirus fears.

Todays surge is attributed to Joe Biden's results in the Super Tuesday election. As one financial expert says "Wall Street wants Trump, but if it's a Democrat who wins the election Joe Biden is not all that bad."

It really scares me when they refer to Joe Biden as "not all that bad". Really goes to show that his interest are with Wall Street and not America.

Tells you all you need to know about Biden too.

That analysis about the markets bouncing today is a load of bollocks though.
It's almost like Bernie's people spent the last 4 years nursing those grievances and making everyone distrust the system that he said couldn't be trusted. It's one of the fundamental weaknesses of his whole platform: an independent who runs as a Democrat to give control of the Democratic party to non-Democrats and then blows up when the Democrats don't want that.
This early morning tangent from a Gen X, die-hard Pete supporter (who viewed him as a compromise between generations) is pure poetry. As deliciously cathartic as ketamine and a pile of puppy dogs.

"Boomer democrats have convinced themselves the only way to beat trump is to stand for as little as possible. That’s Joes entire platform, if you cut out the American flags and spin.

That’s what is going on. Don’t try and fix things much, dont rock the boat, don’t try and address issues with new ideas, just be as uninspired as possible. Be as routine and lazy and focused grouped as you can. You want a nice dinner? No no, too hard, here’s canned tuna emptied out on a salad. Hey, it’s better than the food poisoning you got last night.

trump isn’t an anomaly. He’s A symptom of an illness that neoliberalism helped create.

Healthcare? No no, Obamacare just needs a little tlc. Student debt? No no, it just needs better rates. Climate change? Yea let’s definitely have another commission or two to discuss what to do. Legalization? No weed is a gateway drug! Remember M*A*S*H? What a great tv show.

Y’all are cowards. Truly.

I can’t wait to NOT vote for Joe Biden on the 14th. Unsure if warren or Sanders gets my vote at this point. Probably Sanders because at this point I just want to use a flamethrower on everything.

And once that’s done congratulations you’ve stolen another election from your children who, last I checked the numbers, voted for Biden at a rate of 5%

You’re not listening. Again. Young voters need to vote more. True. You know what would help that? If the system they are voting in wasn’t trash. If they felt welcomed in our party and not viewed as crazy or Marxist stalinists because they think student debt needs to be forgiven. If basic asks like not having to set up a go fund me to not die wasn’t viewed by their parents as “too radical.”

You completely miss the point that even if Biden wins, even if Trump is kicked to the curb, we are still in dystopia. My generation is still going to be saddled with crippling debt, premiums that they can’t pay for, working jobs that lead nowhere, because you didn’t have the courage to stand for something. Or more specifically you didn’t have the courage to admit that maybe it’s time to let your children have their say. But at least the president will be nice and probably gives good Christmas gifts

Over it. I’m leaving the Democratic Party after this primary and registering as an independent.

So sure. Run Michelle Obama or Pete or Abrams as your VP. Gloss over the intractability of your analog beliefs. Or don’t I don’t care, I’m voting for Biden in November anyway. Because unlike your selfish generation, I actually comprehend sacrifice for the greater good.

And once that’s done congratulations you’ve stolen another election from your children who, last I checked the numbers, voted for Biden at a rate of 5%
My issue is millennials outnumber boomers now as a voting bloc. As a millennial myself, I really wish we voted more. We are grown-ups (kinda) now we need to take the reins. We were dealt a shitty hand but we need to stop blaming other generations about it and actually do something about it. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem like we are are ready to do that (as a generation) yet.
This early morning tangent from a Gen X, die-hard Pete supporter (who viewed him as a compromise between generations) is pure poetry. As deliciously cathartic as ketamine and a pile of puppy dogs.

"Boomer democrats have convinced themselves the only way to beat trump is to stand for as little as possible. That’s Joes entire platform, if you cut out the American flags and spin.

That’s what is going on. Don’t try and fix things much, dont rock the boat, don’t try and address issues with new ideas, just be as uninspired as possible. Be as routine and lazy and focused grouped as you can. You want a nice dinner? No no, too hard, here’s canned tuna emptied out on a salad. Hey, it’s better than the food poisoning you got last night.

trump isn’t an anomaly. He’s A symptom of an illness that neoliberalism helped create.

Healthcare? No no, Obamacare just needs a little tlc. Student debt? No no, it just needs better rates. Climate change? Yea let’s definitely have another commission or two to discuss what to do. Legalization? No weed is a gateway drug! Remember M*A*S*H? What a great tv show.

Y’all are cowards. Truly.

I can’t wait to NOT vote for Joe Biden on the 14th. Unsure if warren or Sanders gets my vote at this point. Probably Sanders because at this point I just want to use a flamethrower on everything.

And once that’s done congratulations you’ve stolen another election from your children who, last I checked the numbers, voted for Biden at a rate of 5%

You’re not listening. Again. Young voters need to vote more. True. You know what would help that? If the system they are voting in wasn’t trash. If they felt welcomed in our party and not viewed as crazy or Marxist stalinists because they think student debt needs to be forgiven. If basic asks like not having to set up a go fund me to not die wasn’t viewed by their parents as “too radical.”

You completely miss the point that even if Biden wins, even if Trump is kicked to the curb, we are still in dystopia. My generation is still going to be saddled with crippling debt, premiums that they can’t pay for, working jobs that lead nowhere, because you didn’t have the courage to stand for something. Or more specifically you didn’t have the courage to admit that maybe it’s time to let your children have their say. But at least the president will be nice and probably gives good Christmas gifts

Over it. I’m leaving the Democratic Party after this primary and registering as an independent.

So sure. Run Michelle Obama or Pete or Abrams as your VP. Gloss over the intractability of your analog beliefs. Or don’t I don’t care, I’m voting for Biden in November anyway. Because unlike your selfish generation, I actually comprehend sacrifice for the greater good.

So confusing based on some of the actual good points made by this person why they would be a diehard Pete supporter.
So confusing based on some of the actual good points made by this person why they would be a diehard Pete supporter.
But that might be part of the problem. I love Bernie, I wish everyone would vote for him but Mayor Pete, Corey Booker, Warren, Klobachar, etc. were good candidates I wish more of their supporters would now support Bernie none were perfect (neither is Bernie) the indignation is NOT a great attribute when trying to grow a coalition.
But that might be part of the problem. I love Bernie, I wish everyone would vote for him but Mayor Pete, Corey Booker, Warren, Klobachar, etc. were good candidates I wish more of their supporters would now support Bernie none were perfect (neither is Bernie) the indignation is NOT a great attribute when trying to grow a coalition.
I'm not really going to comment on that, but I meant that this person seems to have a lot of qualms with--forgive the terminology--the "establishment" and the circumstances that brought us here. Pete's campaign was decidedly not that.
This early morning tangent from a Gen X, die-hard Pete supporter (who viewed him as a compromise between generations) is pure poetry. As deliciously cathartic as ketamine and a pile of puppy dogs.

"Boomer democrats have convinced themselves the only way to beat trump is to stand for as little as possible. That’s Joes entire platform, if you cut out the American flags and spin.

That’s what is going on. Don’t try and fix things much, dont rock the boat, don’t try and address issues with new ideas, just be as uninspired as possible. Be as routine and lazy and focused grouped as you can. You want a nice dinner? No no, too hard, here’s canned tuna emptied out on a salad. Hey, it’s better than the food poisoning you got last night.

trump isn’t an anomaly. He’s A symptom of an illness that neoliberalism helped create.

Healthcare? No no, Obamacare just needs a little tlc. Student debt? No no, it just needs better rates. Climate change? Yea let’s definitely have another commission or two to discuss what to do. Legalization? No weed is a gateway drug! Remember M*A*S*H? What a great tv show.

Y’all are cowards. Truly.

I can’t wait to NOT vote for Joe Biden on the 14th. Unsure if warren or Sanders gets my vote at this point. Probably Sanders because at this point I just want to use a flamethrower on everything.

And once that’s done congratulations you’ve stolen another election from your children who, last I checked the numbers, voted for Biden at a rate of 5%

You’re not listening. Again. Young voters need to vote more. True. You know what would help that? If the system they are voting in wasn’t trash. If they felt welcomed in our party and not viewed as crazy or Marxist stalinists because they think student debt needs to be forgiven. If basic asks like not having to set up a go fund me to not die wasn’t viewed by their parents as “too radical.”

You completely miss the point that even if Biden wins, even if Trump is kicked to the curb, we are still in dystopia. My generation is still going to be saddled with crippling debt, premiums that they can’t pay for, working jobs that lead nowhere, because you didn’t have the courage to stand for something. Or more specifically you didn’t have the courage to admit that maybe it’s time to let your children have their say. But at least the president will be nice and probably gives good Christmas gifts

Over it. I’m leaving the Democratic Party after this primary and registering as an independent.

So sure. Run Michelle Obama or Pete or Abrams as your VP. Gloss over the intractability of your analog beliefs. Or don’t I don’t care, I’m voting for Biden in November anyway. Because unlike your selfish generation, I actually comprehend sacrifice for the greater good.


Maybe at the ripe old age of 39 I'm developing Boomerish tendencies but I summarise this as; 'I am upset that things of concern to me are not represented in their entirety in the political options available. Therefore I will be taking steps to further diminish my influence in raising these areas of concern."
So confusing based on some of the actual good points made by this person why they would be a diehard Pete supporter.

Because as a 40 year old, he was close enough to the edges of two generations to view Pete as a compromise.

His anger stems from the fact that the DNC put all of its weight behind Biden in the way that they did. Because for a lot of us, it was as much about never-Biden / Bloomberg as it was anything else.

Maybe at the ripe old age of 39 I'm developing Boomerish tendencies but I summarise this as; 'I am upset that things of concern to me are not represented in their entirety in the political options available. Therefore I will be taking steps to further diminish my influence in raising these areas of concern."

Open primaries are a thing in a lot of states.

My issue is millennials outnumber boomers now as a voting bloc. As a millennial myself, I really wish we voted more. We are grown-ups (kinda) now we need to take the reins. We were dealt a shitty hand but we need to stop blaming other generations about it and actually do something about it. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem like we are are ready to do that (as a generation) yet.

Absolutely. But it isn’t quite as clear cut as you’re making it. The +45 crowd still outnumbers the 18-45 crowd by a solid margin. It’s also worth pointing out that, while apathy played a roll, so did voter suppression.

Check out the news stories about the young, Latino sides of LA yesterday and how long the lines were due to broken machines. I had friends who waited 3 hours to vote. In Texas people were waiting 7(!) hours to vote after last minute closures of a plethora of voting stations. Meanwhile, a bunch of states keep making it harder and harder for college kids to vote...
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What is the establishment? Who is in the establishment?
It gets thrown around all over the place and I'm honestly confused now.

Bernie and (some of) his supporters who say the establishment has rigged the Primary against him, things are unfair, etc....I just don't get.
Some of this to me gives me Trump vibes.

We have, or will all have (depend on what state you're in) the ability to vote and make our voice heard. What's unfair about that?

Asking this all in good faith. Not an anti-Bernie post, more of being confused and trying to understand.
What is the establishment? Who is in the establishment?
It gets thrown around all over the place and I'm honestly confused now.

Bernie and (some of) his supporters who say the establishment has rigged the Primary against him, things are unfair, etc....I just don't get.
Some of this to me gives me Trump vibes.

We have, or will all have (depend on what state you're in) the ability to vote and make our voice heard. What's unfair about that?

Asking this all in good faith. Not an anti-Bernie post, more of being confused and trying to understand.
He probably could have made that case last year because I believe there was some leaked DNC emails that showed Clinton bias. However, it seems like last night his base just didn't get out in full force and he had trouble winning over black voters. I'd rather see Sanders go out this way than have to deal with a brokered convention. That wouldn't be good for anybody.
This early morning tangent from a Gen X, die-hard Pete supporter (who viewed him as a compromise between generations) is pure poetry. As deliciously cathartic as ketamine and a pile of puppy dogs.

"Boomer democrats have convinced themselves the only way to beat trump is to stand for as little as possible. That’s Joes entire platform, if you cut out the American flags and spin.

That’s what is going on. Don’t try and fix things much, dont rock the boat, don’t try and address issues with new ideas, just be as uninspired as possible. Be as routine and lazy and focused grouped as you can. You want a nice dinner? No no, too hard, here’s canned tuna emptied out on a salad. Hey, it’s better than the food poisoning you got last night.

trump isn’t an anomaly. He’s A symptom of an illness that neoliberalism helped create.

Healthcare? No no, Obamacare just needs a little tlc. Student debt? No no, it just needs better rates. Climate change? Yea let’s definitely have another commission or two to discuss what to do. Legalization? No weed is a gateway drug! Remember M*A*S*H? What a great tv show.

Y’all are cowards. Truly.

I can’t wait to NOT vote for Joe Biden on the 14th. Unsure if warren or Sanders gets my vote at this point. Probably Sanders because at this point I just want to use a flamethrower on everything.

And once that’s done congratulations you’ve stolen another election from your children who, last I checked the numbers, voted for Biden at a rate of 5%

You’re not listening. Again. Young voters need to vote more. True. You know what would help that? If the system they are voting in wasn’t trash. If they felt welcomed in our party and not viewed as crazy or Marxist stalinists because they think student debt needs to be forgiven. If basic asks like not having to set up a go fund me to not die wasn’t viewed by their parents as “too radical.”

You completely miss the point that even if Biden wins, even if Trump is kicked to the curb, we are still in dystopia. My generation is still going to be saddled with crippling debt, premiums that they can’t pay for, working jobs that lead nowhere, because you didn’t have the courage to stand for something. Or more specifically you didn’t have the courage to admit that maybe it’s time to let your children have their say. But at least the president will be nice and probably gives good Christmas gifts

Over it. I’m leaving the Democratic Party after this primary and registering as an independent.

So sure. Run Michelle Obama or Pete or Abrams as your VP. Gloss over the intractability of your analog beliefs. Or don’t I don’t care, I’m voting for Biden in November anyway. Because unlike your selfish generation, I actually comprehend sacrifice for the greater good.


The person you look up to and worked so hard for would not quit. What would Bernie Do? The struggle is only partly about results. The other part is about living true to your values.
What is the establishment? Who is in the establishment?
It gets thrown around all over the place and I'm honestly confused now.

Bernie and (some of) his supporters who say the establishment has rigged the Primary against him, things are unfair, etc....I just don't get.
Some of this to me gives me Trump vibes.

We have, or will all have (depend on what state you're in) the ability to vote and make our voice heard. What's unfair about that?

Asking this all in good faith. Not an anti-Bernie post, more of being confused and trying to understand.

Check the donor list of all all politicians. That's the establishment.
Some of this to me gives me Trump vibes.


What is the establishment? Who is in the establishment?
I'll take a stab

These are complicated questions and the answers you get will be different depending on who you ask and who they are affiliated with politically.

Basically, the establishment end of the democratic party are people who believe in neoliberal economic principles of free and unfettered markets that both promote innovation through creative destruction and profits for those who learn how to be a part of the system.

The last part of that sentence is one of the problems because not everybody has equal access to that economic system, not everybody starts from the same level playing field, and the people who are already a part of the system can manipulate it to protect their interests do so... because people.

Social principles are inherently not about capitalistic profits they are about human well-being. This is both threatening and confusing to anyone that believes and has been conditioned to believe in the goodness of the free market and the bootstraps lie that defines the american dream lingo

This is all still a gross oversimplification and I'm quite sure that many many people who are less educated than the folks here on this forum who toss around the word establishment don't really know what it means.

Fundamentally it's about the white landowning male power structure that the country was founded upon

Also you can all pass civics 101 now - you're welcome
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Check the donor list of all all politicians. That's the establishment.

Got it. So establishment is rich people, not the party itself.
But don't all politicians, directly or indirectly benefit from big money? Doesn't Sanders have an "Our Revolution" PAC supporting him that doesn't have to disclose donors?