Political Discussion

Here's the thing: is ANY democratic president going to have an easy time with a republican congress? I'd much rather have someone like Sanders of Warren who will swing for the fences in terms of legislation, whereas somebody like Joe will undoubtedly try to meet them in the middle.
I agree! I'm just wary of falling into the trap of thinking that election = results.
The number of Bernie bros in my timeline who switched from shitting on non-Bernie-first-choicers to attempting to court them away from Biden is pretty remarkable. Deleting posts, trolls, and memes, etc. Whoof. I'd rather have a progressive than Biden, but the whole purity gatekeeping thing they have a hard-on for is pretty frustrating to watch.
Obviously, but you might as well start working from the most aggressive, progressive position available.
Wholeheartedly agree with this but I also think you shouldn’t cut off your nose in spite of your face. The system is corrupt AND Trump is a threat to many Americans wellbeing. You should vote to try to fix the corrupt system but if we fail you should still do your best to make things good as you can even if it’s not ideal.
Wholeheartedly agree with this but I also think you shouldn’t cut off your nose in spite of your face. The system is corrupt AND Trump is a threat to many Americans wellbeing. You should vote to try to fix the corrupt system but if we fail you should still do your best to make things good as you can even if it’s not ideal.

Thank you.

It can be both things.

I'm personally cutting off my nose because my face deserves spite.
but seriously i am currently arguing with my mgr about not taking a raise because i don't want the potential b.s. that comes with it
I just literally read in a thread on medicare for all on a different forum, someone arguing how our current healthcare system is more cost effective.

More cost effective in that people are not seeking out preventive care and only going to the doctors when sick. This results in people dying earlier because diseases weren't caught early. Therefor, over the life of that person's insurance they cost less than someone who always seeks preventative care and lives longer.

There was no care in the world about people's lives. Just that in the long run our healthcare would be more expensive if we had medicare for all. Therefore it's a bad thing.

Wow, I can't even.
Say Bernie get's the nomination, what do you think the chances are that he picks Elizabeth Warren? Who else you think are serious possibilities for running mates. Stacey Abrams? And don't tell me Nina Turner or AOC because that is going to be a no from me. He needs someone more moderate to balance the ticket.
Why assume VP would be a woman of color?
It’s a demographic thing. Women of color make up the largest percentage of the Democratic electorate. The Democratic Party has historically underrepresented that base, we are likely going to nominate a white male septuagenarian for President. Nominating a younger WOC would likely appeal to more of that electorate.
Say Bernie get's the nomination, what do you think the chances are that he picks Elizabeth Warren? Who else you think are serious possibilities for running mates. Stacey Abrams? And don't tell me Nina Turner or AOC because that is going to be a no from me. He needs someone more moderate to balance the ticket.

I would prefer this doesn't happen but Kamala Harris would be a wise choice if the Sanders campaign wants to build more of a coalition with older African American voters
Say Bernie get's the nomination, what do you think the chances are that he picks Elizabeth Warren? Who else you think are serious possibilities for running mates. Stacey Abrams? And don't tell me Nina Turner or AOC because that is going to be a no from me. He needs someone more moderate to balance the ticket.

I listened to a 538 interview with Stacy Abrams. Man that woman is 🔥🔥🔥🔥
I listened to a 538 interview with Stacy Abrams. Man that woman is 🔥🔥🔥🔥

I don't dispute that but I see her as a Tim Kaine, Sarah Palin. I'm guessing a lot of people outside Georgia have no clue who she is. The overall American electorate is pretty dumb.