Needles & Grooves AoTM /// Vol. 7 - January 2020 /// Clarence Clarity - No Now

Definitely gonna enjoy Clarence when it comes to me (not buying until tomorrow unless my mom forces me not to because Christmas)
In the PopTarts Unite thread, I searched for all of your posts, and came across one that caught my eye.

Released in 2015, on Bella Union, on 2 slabs of gold vinyl...

With songs like
  • 1-800-WORSHIP (pastor calls god)
  • Bloodbarf (hemapfhremenamacallit)
  • Let's Shoot Up (VU - Heroin)
  • Those Who Can't, Cheat (Roar ripping off Sara Bareilles' song Brave)
  • Become Death (B.I.G. Ready to Die)
  • Etc., etc., etc.
This is, I feel it in my bones.

It's Clarence Clarity - No Now


Well! Congrats @Colonel_Angus! I have never heard of Clarence Clarity and I am super excited to give this a first spin. From the first AoTM picks I only knew Lou Reed (bit not the album @Murfocakes picked) and it shows how diverse is our community. Great job @gaporter, we can give you the name of Great Master of Hints.
Well! Congrats @Colonel_Angus! I have never heard of Clarence Clarity and I am super excited to give this a first spin. From the first AoTM picks I only knew Lou Reed (bit not the album @Murfocakes picked) and it shows how diverse is our community. Great job @gaporter, we can give you the name of Great Master of Hints.
Yeah, I love how diverse our community is! Just by looking at everyone’s AOTM’s so far, everyone is so different from each other! And I love that! ❤️
Well! Congrats @Colonel_Angus! I have never heard of Clarence Clarity and I am super excited to give this a first spin. From the first AoTM picks I only knew Lou Reed (bit not the album @Murfocakes picked) and it shows how diverse is our community. Great job @gaporter, we can give you the name of Great Master of Hints.

you mean you hadn’t heard of your own pick before announcement and used us all as Guinea Pigs? 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱

although seriously, Ive not heard of this pick so if it’s it I‘ll look forward to the discovery!
I didn't know the hints thing could get full 😂

It's not a huge deal... I'm getting the feeling the "guess" portion of this thread is about over anyway lol

Yeah there’s only a certain amount of text, & particularly media, that you can have in an individual post.

Ooooooh it’s getting close to announcement and further listening! Exciting!
In the meantime... @Colonel_Angus has given us a very likely frontrunner... but only a few of the hints have been connected! I want to see if y'all can decode the multitude of hints between now and Tuesday. 👀

yeah guess updates will be done soon, I just gotta clean my apartment first, booooooring!