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What's worse, regretting a purchase or regretting NOT making a purchase?
I've made some non-vinyl purchases that I've regretted. Like trying to buy clothes, shoes, furniture online and then needing return and being unable to. Or, just realizing that it doesn't quite work or fit how you'd like and you have to give it away or just deal with it because it was expensive.
I'm mostly thinking about stuff I have left at a shop that I regretted later. But anything that becomes unattainable later due to scarcity & price.
Not making a purchase.
Soooooo many ECM albums I used to find for $5 20 years ago, worth 10x that now EACH.
I can't wait to check out the Art of Noise exhibit at SFMOMA
RIP Bill Walton. You made basketball infinitely more enjoyable.
got the spending urge again (didn't buy anything) and contemplated my next turntable... but then realized i think most of it sounds great, just maybe my stylus needs a cleaning/buy a new one or get a huminguru for better cleaning because my spin clean still has a lot of static
I can’t believe how hard The Chats just ruled this festival.