Your Collection - By the numbers 2022

Collection size to date: on-hand 1,041
(2021 purchases in transit: 4) adjusted 1,045
Purchased: 9
Free Additions: 12
Purged: 29
Net Gain/Loss: -8
Last Updated: 02/4/2022

[edited this post rather than make a new one for giving the boot to a bargain binner today]

Collection size to date: on-hand 1,046
(2021 purchases in transit: 4) adjusted 1,050
Purchased: 14
Free Additions: 12
Purged: 29
Net Gain/Loss: -3
Last Updated: 02/6/2022
Someone bought that spoken word Jujus album, for like money and stuff 🤯

Only €20 but that’s more in the kitty for expensive stuff!

Joe Mac
Collection: 1024
Added: 12
For Sale: 7
Sold: 12
Net: -7
Updated: 2/2/22

Edit: Bloody hell! Ollie & The Nightingales also sold! I’ve had that listed for 2 years on cogs!

Came home after my week away to one new one and picked two new releases up at the local when I was in town today!

Joe Mac
Collection: 1027
Added: 15
For Sale: 7
Sold: 12
Net: -4
Updated: 2/2/22
Last edited:
Week 4 Update

One in and two out this week after gifting 2 records to a friend. Slowly getting through the big pile in the to - play box!

Collection on 24/01/22: 2781
Purchased: 1
Free Additions:
Purged/Sold: 2
Net Gain/Loss: -1
Current Collection: 2782
Updated: 30/01/22

Week 5 Update

A few into the collection this week including 9 bowie singles, 4 AC/DC LPS and some new releases

Collection on 30/01/22: 2782
Purchased: 20
Free Additions:
Purged/Sold: 0
Net Gain/Loss: +20
Current Collection: 2802
Updated: 07/02/22
Last edited:
[Posted last week (additions since in parentheses)]
Collection size on 1/2/2022: 4,691
Collection size to date: 4,760
Purchased (New): 34 (+6)
Purchased (Used): 11 (0)
Discovered: 24 (+5)
Free Additions: 0
Neg Gain/Loss: + 69
Last Updated: 02/05/2022

Collection size on 1/2/2022: 4,691
Collection size to date: 4,771
Purchased (New): 40
Purchased (Used): 11
Discovered: 29
Free Additions: 0
Neg Gain/Loss: + 80
Last Updated: 02/12/2022
How does it work with pre-orders you made in 2021 but are not yet in discogs. I guess they should count towards this year once they come in right?


Collection (2021): 528

Collection (2022): 520

  • 2021 orders arrived in 2022: 8
  • 2022 Purchases: 12
  • PIFs Received: 3
  • Removed: 15 :(
Net: +8

Updated 13/2/2022
well so much for net 0...
Yay! Net 0.
Week 5 Update

A few into the collection this week including 9 bowie singles, 4 AC/DC LPS and some new releases

Collection on 30/01/22: 2782
Purchased: 1
Free Additions:
Purged/Sold: 0
Net Gain/Loss: +20
Current Collection: 2802
Updated: 07/02/22
Week 6 update

Just 2 through the door this week

Collection on 07/02/22: 2802
Purchased: 2
Free Additions:
Purged/Sold: 0
Net Gain/Loss: +2
Current Collection: 2804
Updated: 14/02/22
Collection size to date: on-hand 1,051
(2021 purchases in transit: 4) adjusted 1,055
Purchased: 15
Free Additions: 16
Purged: 31
Net Gain/Loss: 0
Last Updated: 02/14/2022

Collection size to date: on-hand 1,057
(2021 purchases in transit: 4) adjusted 1,061
Purchased: 18
Free Additions: 19
Purged: 33
Net Gain/Loss: +4
Last Updated: 02/16/2022
Last edited:
[Posted last week (additions since in parentheses)]
Collection size on 1/2/2022: 4,691
Collection size to date: 4,771
Purchased (New): 40 (+6)
Purchased (Used): 11
Discovered: 29 (+4)
Free Additions: 0 (+1)
Neg Gain/Loss: + 80
Last Updated: 02/12/2022

Collection size on 1/2/2022: 4,691
Collection size to date: 4,782
Purchased (New): 46
Purchased (Used): 11
Discovered: 33
Free Additions: 1
Neg Gain/Loss: + 91
Last Updated: 02/19/2022