What's Spinning

This is spinning and i like it. Especially Side B if anyone got one and has not tried yet.
Oh its Daniel Norgren Wooh Dang for those unaware.
Mine has just landed after taking the slow boat. Having listened to it a lot since it came out on download I can’t wait for the vinyl - great record. Probably the 2nd last record I’ll get from the old place, credits running out and haven’t been a member for quite some time.
Van Morrison - Version Fleece

For years I only listened to Astral Weeks and His Band... Then a former high school teacher who I was volunteering with turned me on to this. A great selection from VMP; glad it was in my final box from them.

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This is my favourite ever VMP delivery. Span it so many times already. In fact i got a bit obsessed.
Daniel Norgren - Black Vultures EP

Waiting for Wooh Dang to arrive so I’ve been listening to his other stuff in the meantime. I actually think this is a great EP, kind of like a mini compilation of his best stuff. Seeing him on the European leg of his tour soon so looking forward to that.
Hit after hit...

Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers - Damn the Torpedoes

I had to get 3 replacements before I finally got a decent one so I spun it quite a bit already, but not by choice. Not complaining about it though.

I sometimes worry my ears are nit sensitive enough, unless my record sounds like its a 1920s radio announcement aka Winston Churchill news update. Or a stuck groove aka Gorrilaz im not sure ive ever noticed sound issues ! :oops::oops:
Daniel Norgren - Black Vultures EP

Waiting for Wooh Dang to arrive so I’ve been listening to his other stuff in the meantime. I actually think this is a great EP, kind of like a mini compilation of his best stuff. Seeing him on the European leg of his tour soon so looking forward to that.
View attachment 402
Streamed Wooh Dang today. Damnit. So bummed I missed out on that exclusive
I sometimes worry my ears are nit sensitive enough, unless my record sounds like its a 1920s radio announcement aka Winston Churchill news update. Or a stuck groove aka Gorrilaz im not sure ive ever noticed sound issues ! :oops::oops:
You would have definitely noticed this. Heavy crackle throughout the whole record. Enough to distract from the music.