What's Spinning

Viv & Riley - Imaginary People
Stumbling upon something that ends up being way better than I’d hoped has always been among my favorite things about collecting records, and this one fits that bill. I don’t remember how I heard about it in the first place but I’m glad I sprung for it. Really nice country rock/folk/indie music.


I bought this, but not the other one. Might’ve have to buy it later.

I’d liked this one a lot on streaming and the press sounds great.

The other one wasn’t on streaming but I jumped because I think it’s a single run on vinyl and cd. Plus the coral are an instant buy band for me. Really enjoyed it on first listen!
The Roy Hargrove Quintet-Earfood . I saw Roy at the Village Vanguard in NY , must have been around 1998 I guess . Good stuff .