What's Spinning

The Cars - The Cars [MoFi]

The Cars - The Cars [Rhino]

I decided to do a comparison between the MoFi and recent Rhino audiophile release and as many have already said, the Kevin Grey cut Rhino pressing blows The MoFi out of the water. Both have nice separations but where the Rhino pressing g runs laps around the MoFi is in “Thump” the bass is just so much more present in the Rhino pressing you feel the music in all the ways that you probably should and I don’t think it sacrifices any of the dynamics or separation to accomplish that. I don’t hate the MoFi like others (and maybe that’s because I don’t own an OG which supposedly sounds fantastic as well) but it given the choice I would recommend the Rhino over the MoFi hands down.

Also, I don’t know if there is another album that I would be as content to listen to back to back than The Cars. It really is in contention for best debut album of all time.
