What's Spinning

Nirvana - Nevermind

A day late, a dollar short…..I’m not too cool to say in 1991 as a 9 year old (even then) this opened up so many doors. By age 11/12 I was into Sonic Youth (we know how many doors they open), Mudhoney, Big Black, and so much more thanks to Nirvana.

I was lucky to be a kid and grow up with this record in real time. I remember trying to re-create the SLTS video on my parents bed by jumping up and down when I saw the video in 1991. I wanted to be in that gym.

Nirvana gave me the punk rock mix tape I needed through this record and countless interviews, championing bands that today still blow my mind, and push me to discover more music. They helped me love music . All roads lead to Nirvana for me. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

My understanding of the original inspiration for this album was that Brian Eno was in a hospital room with some music playing in the background that was very low. He could not get the entire Sonic scope of what was happening, but there were bits and pieces that would jump out at him. Fascinated with this concept of music listening, he developed what became this album.

Depending on what volume level you are listening to this album, different things will reveal themselves. If you're paying attention for them, more things will become prevalent. If you are listening passively, only the most strong sounds or frequencies will bend your ear.

A few weeks ago, my wife's aunt passed away after a four and a half year battle with cancer. She was initially told she would only have 3 months to live. She was the second mother to my wife, a friend of my own mother's for 30 years, and her son was my brother's first best friend when they met in kindergarten. I've been thinking about what those last few minutes must have been like for her in the hospital, what was she paying attention to, what was she ignoring, did she know what was happening.

It also makes me wonder about the sound of a wind chime. That footstep you're not sure is the footstep or not. That shadow that you've never seen before that is not there the next time you look.

Rest in peace, Madeline. You've more than earned it.

Nirvana - Nevermind
Kante Manfila et Salif Keita - Dans l'Authenticité Vol 1

Some albums are just so wonderful to re-discover. I mostly listen to live Nirvana these days but it was so much fun listening to this again that I immediately turned it over and played it again. Plus, a chilled acoustic album from two Malian legends.


She came in through the bathroom window
Protected by a silver spoon
But now she sucks her thumb and wanders
By the banks of her own lagoon