What's Spinning

Sorry about your losses, certainly been thinking of you and glad to hear from you , cop ya later .
Hi buddy. Sorry, I've been a bit out of the loop the last few months. We lost my dad in law to Covid just before Christmas and his sister (my wife's aunt) just after Christmas, coupled with lockdown 3 over here and home-schooling full time, I haven't been hanging around here too much (or doing much else for that matter). Glad to see y'all are still spinning plenty though. Hope everyone else is all well and I'll be back soon, kids are back to school in a fortnight.
Hi buddy. Sorry, I've been a bit out of the loop the last few months. We lost my dad in law to Covid just before Christmas and his sister (my wife's aunt) just after Christmas, coupled with lockdown 3 over here and home-schooling full time, I haven't been hanging around here too much (or doing much else for that matter). Glad to see y'all are still spinning plenty though. Hope everyone else is all well and I'll be back soon, kids are back to school in a fortnight.
Sorry to hear this, hope you and the family are well considering. You have certainly been missed here!