What's Spinning

My collection #802-803

Bob Dylan - Blood On The Tracks: Test Pressing
Abel Lima - Africa Boum

There's been some discussion about how to file Dylan bootlegs elsewhere - I seem to have a slightly different system to everybody else. Most of the Bootleg Series live as separate boxsets but those that don't I put where they're recorded so this goes before the official BOTT release - I find it fascinating to play this first and then see what he changed. Idiot Wind is immense on this test pressing. Plus, one of the finest singers from Cabo Verde with the cream of talent from the islands on this fabulous album.



The agutierrezb 2019 record collection challenge

So I've decided to embark on my own personal challenge, which consists of listening every record in my collection before the end of the year. My record collection is not that big -only ~250-, but I still feel like there are a bunch of records I don't give enough attention to, while still adding more titles to my shelves.

For this reason I've set a couple of rules in order to play every record at least once before December 31st: I'll play at least one record a day, going from front to back in the way I have them sorted in my shelf. I can play a different record (i.e. Not the next one in alphabetical order) if I feel like listening to something else in any given moment, but at least one of the records I spin in the day has to be the LP in turn.

I didn't take pictures for the first two days, but I'll try to document the process from here on, so I'll be posting daily on this thread. Wish me luck!
#286: Tyler, The Creator - IGOR
#287: Carla Thomas - Confort Me


For some reason thid album was not correctly sorted in my shelf, so I didn't get to it until now. Anyway, here's a nice soul album. Far from my favorite Stax or VMP Classics record, but one I'm in the mood for every now and then.

Grateful Dead - Wake Of The Flood (1973)

Continuing my listen of the records I got from my aunt and uncle, we have my first Grateful Dead record! Aside from the corner cut, this is a fantastic condition OG copy! Vinyl is an easy EX. Liking it so far, I've never listened to much Dead before. Pretty cool!
Image from iOS.jpg
Dom Kennedy: Yellow Album (2012)

I finally acquired one of my white whales, so I think it's time for a story! I started collecting vinyl in 2016 and this was one album I thought would be really cool to have since this is always in my summer playlist, but at the time, I was in college and copies of these records were selling for $50+. Back then, I thought spending $50 for a record was expensive... silly me. Fast forward to 2019 and I'm now graduated with a full-time salaried job, so I decide to look to see what these things are going for. Little did I know in the span of 3 years, this album has become impossible to find (not to mention less than 80 people have this in their discogs collection) and the only copies on Discogs are priced between $250-$400... To me now, $50 for a record is NOTHING, but $300? That's a completely different story.

One day, I see a post on reddit and someone is selling this album for $200-$250, can't remember exactly. Considering this was only the third copy I had seen listed for sale that year, I decide to bite the bullet and message him to buy. We work out a deal, but the morning he was going to ship it to me, he sends me a message saying that he tripped over his cat while heading down the stairs to take it to the post office, and when he fell, he landed on the album and the records cracked. I was devastated to say the least... From the time my money was refunded for that album and about a few weeks ago, I hadn't seen a single copy of this album listed for sale on any site AT ALL. Thanks to an extremely fortunate google search though, I was able to find this copy for sale on a Polish site, but the seller was only shipping to Poland. I messaged him to see if he'd be willing to ship to the United States, but I never received a response. Again, my heart sank.

As a last ditch effort, I make a post on the Polish subreddit asking if someone would be kind enough to purchase the album for me and ship it to the states. I didn't think I'd get any biters but someone reached out to me almost immediately and said he frequently sends vinyl to his dad in the states and had no problem getting this album for me. Fast forward to today, and the album arrived in the mail & I couldn't be happier!

This might just be another hip-hop mixtape to many people, but for me, this album has gotten me through a lot of summers and a ton of memories have been made with this in the background. It's got some of the freshest west-coast sounding production I've heard, and killer features including Kendrick Lamar, Freddie Gibbs, Too $hort, and Rick Ross. It just takes me back to those high school & college days, definitely holds a special place in my heart. And I know the term white whale can be thrown around pretty loosely, but based off the story I just told, I think this is appropriate usage. God, I love this hobby, and I'm sure many of you have some crazy stories, maybe even crazier than mine! But words really can't describe how happy I am right now, and how grateful I am I was able to connect with that reddit user. Cheers everyone!

TLDR: Found my white whale after 2 years of seriously searching after passing up numerous opportunities to buy this album in college. I am very happy that I can remove from my wantlist and add to collection.