What's Spinning

So I’ve been up past 4am nursing a poorly cat two nights running (not kept those kind of hours for many years) , so it’s a sofa , coffee, biscuits and Beatles books and CDs kinda day ( don’t have to move for 6 discs) ...playing both Beatles BBC sets , Hollywood Bowl and Let It Be Naked View attachment 43879View attachment 43880View attachment 43880
Love that Mark Lewisohn book. The only thing of that size I've read twice, and I feel a third reading must be on the cards soon. Just hope volumes 2 and 3 aren't too far away...
The Books "The Lemon of Pink" [181/357]
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I know there's a lot of hate for this album, but I really like it. I think it's fun and weird. Plus, it sounds excellent, one of my best VMP Pressings I think.

Wylie Cable "Buried at Sea" [182/357]
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In the same vein as The Books, another wonderful weird album and thanks to the @Needles & Grooves administrators for doing the giveaways when able!

Strand of Oaks "Hard Love" [183/357]
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Secret Santa gift from @Enoch (pours one out). Cool album, hadn't heard it before this and I find myself replaying it a lot.
Hard Love is underrated vis a vis Heal but Eraserland was my favorite album of last year.