Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

none of which his wife had anything to do with, and you are publicly minimizing her experience and the issues she is facing with your comments towards her, the same thing you are stating nathan is doing to others with his comments.

'just be kind' isn't all that unreasonable of a request. reading just this page it certainly feels like our community could share a little more kindness and respect with each other.

Somebody else pointed out her comments on the thread praising VMP. Her public comments that customers are being "cruel" and not being understanding of the company, while stating that her post is a stand in for addressing all negative comments toward VMP already minimizes the customers' experiences. So, yeah, I think that she's being dismissive of what the customers are experiencing, while choosing to speak as an authority from the company's perspective. I agree that this aspect doesn't have to do with her, but she's chosen to speak on it. She posted that publicly and I think her outlook is misguided. Her husband is responsible for doing some shitty stuff to people and I don't believe she's probably even aware of that. The consistent use of the term "mistakes" bothers me. The customers actions are "cruel" and intentional, while VMP continually makes "mistakes" (the same ones) "unintentionally."

Customers have real lives and experiences and concerns, too. Some are dealing with financial struggles. They aren't all "cruel" heartless individuals complaining. The company is a person. The customers are nameless accounts and orders.


I should also be clear that, when I said that I didn't have any sympathy, I didn't mean that I don't have any for her. She seemed to be asking for sympathy for Matt and the company, from the attacks of "cruel" commenters asking for their records and telling VMP to get their shit together. I don't have sympathy for them. For her, I just feel like she has a skewed perspective and cares about her family.

Also, when I said "publicly," I meant on instagram. I don't think my comments saying that I don't feel bad for VMP in here is the same as screaming praise while telling them they've done no wrong (while avoiding to mention your own current issues) on the first post where they finally began to own it, while surrounded by others experiencing issues.
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No, he really fucking isn't. I don't care how much he hates VMP, this level of nasty public personal attack isn't within anyone's "rights". If he really despises someone that much, put him on Ignore.

Good idea. I'm putting you on ignore. I guess you could have done something similar, but I just noticed where you stated you've reported me to the mods. Ridiculous.

As for @NathanRicaud, I'm a huge fan and even defended him in threads on the old forum. What I actually "despise" "so much" is seeing the trust, positivity, and good nature of people get exploited. That's what really bothers me about a lot of this.
I think there is hope for you. I was in your situation, managed to DM Pauly on Reddit and he sorted me out.
Glad you got sorted. As I said earlier pauly claims they don’t know my address and the orders are sitting there. I am sure it will surprise absolutely no one that I immediately responded with my address and once again have heard nothing. Not even an acknowledgement. CANT THEY SEE THIS IS HALF THE PROBLEM?? Please just acknowledge receipt of information. It just doesn’t bode well at all for future comms.
I jus

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Let's just "be kind." You know... like knowingly shutting down a depression support thread that numerous people relied on without warning, shutting down comments and going dark on people whose money you have tied up and payment info you've potentially compromised.

Sorry that I don't have any sympathy, but this reads a bit delusional to me.
just sent her a message. Screw this. That is so embarrassing. And makes me so angry. The whole attitude seems to be that customers are out of order here. It’s staggering.
I jus

just sent her a message. Screw this. That is so embarrassing. And makes me so angry. The whole attitude seems to be that customers are out of order here. It’s staggering.

Yikes. I definitely wouldn't do that, myself. That's her personal account on her IG stories. I don't doubt that the whole thing is stressful on her family and it looks like they recently had a baby in November. It's obviously your call, but I wouldn't bring that to her. It feels like it crosses the line. If you message her, you might actually be proving her point.

I took the whole "what would you do with more time" and closing of the forum as a cruel move, which is why I think them asking for more time and sympathy now is off base. That's on Matt and VMP, though. This is his wife
Good idea. I'm putting you on ignore. I guess you could have done something similar, but I just noticed where you stated you've reported me to the mods. Ridiculous.

As for @NathanRicaud, I'm a huge fan and even defended him in threads on the old forum. What I actually "despise" "so much" is seeing the trust, positivity, and good nature of people get exploited. That's what really bothers me about a lot of this.

Yes, I don’t think that @Dead C actually made an attack on Nathan, just objected strongly to his post. No malice meant and his point was genuine.

I wonder if anyone has me on ignore.

It's intriguing.

Now it's the only thing I want to know in the entire universe.

Ignoring you in this forum would make every post very confusing. It would be like removing the Harry Potter character from the Harry Potter series of books.
Yikes. I definitely wouldn't do that, myself. That's her personal account on her IG stories. I don't doubt that the whole thing is stressful on her family and it looks like they recently had a baby in November. It's obviously your call, but I wouldn't bring that to her. It feels like it crosses the line. If you message her, you might actually be proving her point.

I took the whole "what would you do with more time" and closing of the forum as a cruel move, which is why I think them asking for more time and sympathy now is off base. That's on Matt and VMP, though. This is his wife
I wasn’t angry or nasty to her. It’s a public IG. Not private. She posted publicly. I replied. No big deal. I simply said if you’re wondering why some people are being cruel it’s because some people are out of pocket by up to $1000 and have not received anything in return. Product or communication
nothing wrong with telling her that. If it was any other service you’d be calling the cops.
I just signed off by saying maybe I will hear something soon.
It’s a shit ton of money I’ve spent with them. Not some $8 sale record. It’s verging on criminal. At the very least give me my money back.
she posts publicly. She comments on their page. She must expect the odd reply. It’s the point of social media.
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Yikes. I definitely wouldn't do that, myself. That's her personal account on her IG stories. I don't doubt that the whole thing is stressful on her family and it looks like they recently had a baby in November. It's obviously your call, but I wouldn't bring that to her. It feels like it crosses the line. If you message her, you might actually be proving her point.

I took the whole "what would you do with more time" and closing of the forum as a cruel move, which is why I think them asking for more time and sympathy now is off base. That's on Matt and VMP, though. This is his wife
Also her husbands team are making a specific choice not to engage with affected customers. Some for months at a time. So maybe she will see my msg and decide to you know maybe get someone to talk to me? It’s not difficult really. Just a quick mail saying sorry and here’s your money back.
instead of taking her time to go and post a msg effectively skating playing customers.
just my opinion. I respect your opinion too.
Also her husbands team are making a specific choice not to engage with affected customers. Some for months at a time. So maybe she will see my msg and decide to you know maybe get someone to talk to me? It’s not difficult really. Just a quick mail saying sorry and here’s your money back.
instead of taking her time to go and post a msg effectively skating playing customers.
just my opinion. I respect your opinion too.

I will agree that, while her story was somewhat presented in a way to imply that it was posted for immediate friends, she did make the point to claim that VMP is "trying to eliminate any and all obstacles that might be in YOUR way of experiencing music on a deeper level" and that the migration is "yet another way they are showing they want to improve YOUR experience." It's a tired angle.

It's the "YOUR" bit that rubbed me the wrong way. That's what I rolled my eyes at, because it's definitely not just a post about how it's been a stressful time for their family. It's a really condescending post claiming that her husband and his company are providing a noble service to help the idiots who subscribe understand and experience some form of culture that we couldn't grasp otherwise, and that we simply aren't appreciative of all that they're doing for us by fucking everything up. She also claims that this post is the alternative to her individually responding to EVERY NEGATIVE COMMENT, so it was -- at least, partially -- directed at us dummies.

That being said, it's pretty much what I'd expect from someone's spouse. My son is 8 now, but the first 2 months of his life was one of the most important time periods in my life. My focus was on nothing else. It's fucked up that he set fire to his company during this time in their own life, and the fact that he has had to deal with that is 100% his own fault. Still, even if she IS wrong or misguided about her take, I'd just let her be ignorant about it. Again, that's just how I'm looking at it. I don't feel like your message is going to be taken positively or will result in anything constructive. But, we're all adults here and make our own decisions.
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I will agree that, while her story was somewhat presented in a way to imply that it was posted for immediate friends, she did make the point to claim that VMP is "trying to eliminate any and all obstacles that might be in YOUR way of experiencing music on a deeper level" and that the migration is "yet another way they are showing they want to improve YOUR experience." It's a tired angle.

It's the "YOUR" bit that rubbed me the wrong way. That's what I rolled my eyes at, because it's definitely not just a post about how it's been a stressful time for their family. It's a really condescending post claiming that her husband and his company are providing a noble service to help the idiots who subscribe understand and experience some form of culture that we couldn't grasp otherwise, and that we simply aren't appreciative of all that they're doing for us by fucking everything up. She also claims that this post is the alternative to her responding to EVERY NEGATIVE COMMENT, so it was -- at least, partially -- directed at us dummies.

That being said, it's pretty much what I'd expect from someone's spouse. My son is 8 now, but the first 2 months of his life was one of the most important time periods in my life. My focus was on nothing else. It's fucked up that he set fire to his company during this time in their own life, and the fact that he has had to deal with that is 100% his own fault. Still, even if she IS wrong or misguided about her take, I'd just let her be ignorant about it. Again, that's just how I'm looking at it. I don't feel like your message is going to be taken positively or will result in anything constructive. But, we're all adults here and make our own decisions.
Very well written and well put. My opinion is that she shouldn’t have entered the field of play.
if my msg is received negatively then that tells me all I need to know about where to spend my money.
again it’s not like I’m nipping into the bakers here and angry that they don’t have any bread. Her husbands company is taking likely tens of thousands of dollars off people and not delivering anything. Its a major major financial problem and if Matts outlook is anything like hers then I can see why they are in this mess.
they’ve forgotten that they’re providing a service that people have actually spent a lot of money on.
I take your point but if I was her I’d not have said anything even approaching that. And I’d reply to me saying “point taken I am gonna get someone to get back to you today”.
to be fair that happened last night and once again they lied to me. Just ignored me.
if they come good I’ll be on here telling everyone. 👍🏻
I wasn’t angry or nasty to her. It’s a public IG. Not private. She posted publicly. I replied. No big deal. I simply said if you’re wondering why some people are being cruel it’s because some people are out of pocket by up to $1000 and have not received anything in return. Product or communication
nothing wrong with telling her that. If it was any other service you’d be calling the cops.
I just signed off by saying maybe I will hear something soon.
It’s a shit ton of money I’ve spent with them. Not some $8 sale record. It’s verging on criminal. At the very least give me my money back.
she posts publicly. She comments on their page. She must expect the odd reply. It’s the point of social media.

Are you really waiting for $1,000 worth of records? I think I’m still waiting on 3 or 4 from October, there doesn’t seem any point in chasing that, but $1,000 worth.
Are you really waiting for $1,000 worth of records? I think I’m still waiting on 3 or 4 from October, there doesn’t seem any point in chasing that, but $1,000 worth.
I have I think over $600 of records outstanding from November. And I renewed international sub at $399. I guarantee there will be people with similar or more. Some people buy loads at once and nothing for ages.